
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cow, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. You're allowed to bring a knife to school as long as it's under 3.5 inches, but girls cannot wear outfits that show their shoulders. This statement I found on a third party app pretty much perfectly describes public schools. I'm currently a sophomore in high school and I can already see the dozens of flaws the school system has but I'm here today to talk about a big one: choosing classes.

    So in my school you must take one math, one history, one science, one English, and four electives of your choice. This is very flawed in my opinion. As a sophomore I am taking pre-calculus which is ridiculously hard for me. Some people took trigonometry instead of pre calculus, BUT they have to take pre calc the second semester (we're on block schedule) because trig doesn't technically count as a core math class. This is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Let's say you know for a fact as going into your senior year you want to be a journalist. Let's say you're also in ap calculus that year. You will NEVER use anything you learn in calculus and in my opinion is a complete waste of a class that could be used on journalism 3 or whatever they want to take that will actually matter to journalism which will be their career. I don't understand why you need to take classes for subjects you'll never need.

    Also why does anyone need to learn what the treaty of Greenville is? Why do we need to know this? Oh right, WE DONT. Complete waste of time. Why not let us choose classes that actually will pertain to our careers in the future. Plus, school wastes time making us read how to kill a mockingbird when we could be learning how to cook a meal that isn't microwaveable. Or teaching kids how to pay a bill, or buy a house, or how to take care of kids. Yea I know there are classes that help teach these but they are electives but even your electives have restrictions. You have to take at least 2 foreign languages and you can choose two similar classes in the same field. If I know what I want to do with my life why do school still waste my time teaching me something I'll never use?

    This is just my opinion. I'd love to hear the opinions of you guys

    tl;dr: school sucks because class restrictions force you to learn stuff you'll never use
  2. Never known a student that ever wrote a curriculum n as it should be.
    As for knives in school thats pathetic.
  3. School sucks because the curiculum is one sided and biased.
  4. support/reserved
  5. I have no clue what this means

    Im a freshman and I had to read how to kill a mockingbird and give 5 essays on it with notes. All my teachers gonna do is grade it and give it back. NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW HOW TO DO THAT UNLESS YOU WANNA BE A TEACHER OR SOMETHING. I'd rather take core classes for my career instead of math and crap. I think they should make a schedule for each major and you pick your major (because most kids kinda have an idea of what they wanna do.) and then stick to that schedule throughout your 4 years. dumb rules. and for knives I would like to carry one for protection but there would be so many stabbings/shankings it would be unreal. Its not worth it imo. anyways. just my thoughts.
  7. If kids were allowed to bring knives to school my kids wouldn't be going.
  8. HS gives you these classes to prep you for the same, more advanced core classes you have to take to get your general studies classes required. It's your last 2 yrs of college that you focus on your major. Do you know how many ppl grow up and change their original major also?
  9. The Internet has taught me well.

    That phrase is usually used by people who troll or are being sarcastic, but for me, it's true. The Internet has taught me things months before school has. Most of my knowledge comes from it (And I don't use those terrible, anyone can edit and say whatever ones too). It has taught me more than anything that school has. School simply tells you to do something and how to do it, is that knowledge? No, it's obedience. That doesn't teach you how to be smart, it teaches you how to follow directions. True intelligence comes when you're able to figure stuff out that you've never seen without ever needing someone to tell you how to do it. All school really needs to teach you is the basics, and how smart you are is determined by how far you can go with just knowing that.

    When school gives you assignments for homework like math problems, do they really make you smarter? No, it just unlocks our ability to recognise patterns. Since we keep seeing the problem, the brain knows to do the exact same pattern as before, that's not intelligence, that's memorisation.
  10. No support. Op is an idiot.

    You're mother should be teaching you how to cook. Not the bloody school. What you think you need when you are 16 is light years different than what you need when you are 26 like me.

    School and learning are designed to transfer the knowledge of past generations to the next. Keeping that in mind, learning about the evils of racism and such is far more important than learning how to make French toast or wipe your ass.
  11. Agree with Narwhal on the bits about school not actually teaching you intelligence because intelligence isn't taught.

    And to add my own story, I'm currently a sophomore in college and a vast majority of the things I'm learning even now are still recall from high school. That being said, most of the stuff I did in high school was recall from my own studies as well. Something to be said about the school system or is it something to be said about how poor our students seem to be in so many cases?
  12. Support self taught since 1st grade. got bad grade because i protested homework. test scores were through the roof though.
  13. Support
  14. To Kill a Mockingbird teaches us literary techniques, gives insight on American life 100 years ago, and introduces social issues that are very relevant even in today's society.

    Yet this little noob thinks the school should be teaching him how to make spaghetti.
  15. School in states are different I only have 1 elective my classes are spanish, AP English, Photoshop class, forensics, Algebra 2, physics, U.S. History, autocad class
  16. I'm a mechanical engineering major, take as many classes as you can that are offered to you while they are free. Things change by senior year of high school and freshman year of college. Be open and just learn.
  17. Op, you have completely misunderstood the point of school and education in general...

    Education is about giving you a broad amount of information across all disciplines. This helps deepen your respect for other cultures in regards to RE, to understand how life has evolved into the state we are in now from History, to develop a complex idea of how particles could work and interact the world around you in Physics.

    Whilst all of these topics could be considered useless for a career in accountancy, for example, the education you gain from all your subjects deepen your understanding of the world and makes you a more well-rounded individual.

  18. This is a very ignorant statement. Not everyone has parents around to teach them how to do basic life skills. Some parents are at work all the time or a single mom or dad who has to work three jobs. Not every parent has the ability or time to teach their kids. I think it should be up to the schools to do it
  19. Honestly how about you teach yourself how to cook a meal its not hard you might enjoy it and become a chef you never know.
  20. Oh I see. Your parents are working 3 jobs now so you need your teachers to teach you how to tie your shoes.

    There is this little thing called the Internet. Type in: how to cook Ramen. Presto! You can feed your moronic butt for life.

    Now get back to reading your Boo Radley and stop whining you little noob.