Scared to Drive

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JustTin, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. Today has to be the worst day.

    When I got out of work today, I noticed that my front bumper has been hit, and now it is coming off and it has a big dent.

    FYI: They didn't leave a note or nothing. (I work in a restaurant)

    When I was coming home, I got into an accident. I stopped at a red light, and ten seconds later the car behind me bumps into me. Now my whole back car is ruined, and I have this terrible headache.

    I been driving for 2 years and I never been into this situation. I'm afraid to drive, I have this feeling that I'll get into another car crash.
  2. I didn't call the insurance. It's a holiday today and everything is closed. What should I do?

    I got the insurance from the guy that bumped into me. He even said "It was my fault, wasn't paying attention".

    How should I deal with this, I never been in a car accident.

    FYI: I know my grammar sucks and so dose my spelling. It's a game, so deal with it. Also English is my second language.
  3. No support
  4. ^Sigh.. 
  5. So you're asking for car help on a mobile game? Mmk
  6. #frontbumperdamageobviouslycamefromaccident
  7. Call the insurance tomorrow. If your neck still hurts you can file a lawsuit if you really want to screw the guy over, though lawyers are expensive :lol: Good luck.
  8. I hope you have dash cams. If you do, find the lawyer that has a nose bigger than your head and hire him, no matter what. Hopefully the rear dash cam video shows how much of the accident is the other dude's fault. Proceed to collect from nasally enlarged Hanukah celebrating lawyer and buy enough xtals to put Majesty out of business,
  9. Lmao yes, the bigger the nose the better. Drop a penny in front of the lawyer to know for sure.
  10. Gonna call insurance tomorrow.
  11. Best of luck
  12. Check with the guy's insurance. If you file a lawsuit then it will probably come out of his own insurance (which is good for both of you).

    Also, don't be scared to drive. That was the other driver's fault - most people will get into a car accident sometime in their life - it's just a reminder to drive safely, and also a reminder that some things in life aren't in your control
  13. In any situation you get rear ended, it's always their fault. Which means they pay your deductible and you get your car fixed for free. Also, you need to report the hit and run to your local authorities. Detailing the time and place. If they left paint, a color helps a lot. Your insurance may not cover the hit and run, but they kit if they find the perpetrator.

    Edit: don't call 911 for it! It's not an emergency. Find the number to the local detachment.
  14. Get off the game then....