Save round wars!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __Just__Push__It__In__________, Nov 9, 2014.

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  1. Hello everybody i just wana ask you all to help me and most orgianls of kaw help ur friends help ur owners help ur clan help kaw

    If u didnt know the devs are seeing low numbers of matches in round wars my reasoning is because you guys have so many primal like really you want to have a battle of stats or have a battle of builds of plunder useing ur bfa and bfe to and advantage or just hitting people with ur stats
    Meaning for most people who took months builidng bfa for ee did that for nothing for what ? Like honestly many ppl will reset and stop ee ing bc of this

    Round wars are ee and had been ee for a very long time and i hope it to contiune to be ee so what i ask is for all of u is to talk to ur clan owner or wc and ask them to do a round war or if ur the wc recuirt ppl for a round war and help us save round wars but yet have fun

    Ps hawk dont test me i might be small but i do damage idc if ur 3 times my size im noy scared of anyone or any clan or any alliance but ik what to do and what not to do and where i stand soo.magic out
  2. Re: Keep round wars

    Why don't you be the first to reset and stop EEing?

    Round wars suck plain and simple unless you are top of the leaderboards or a sh. I supported them coming back for season 4- and they were a HUGE failure.

    Nobody does them who has half a brain who isn't in the category previously stated.

    Here's an idea, grow instead of being a pipsqueak noob.

    I'm tempted to take you up on your offer to fight anyone.... Hmmmmm
  3. Typical troll's reaction to such amazing threads
  4.  im not gonna respond to him
  5. I'm going to assume that's sarcasm about how illogical and poorly written this thread is
  6. Harbinger_of_Wrath where r u?

    Ur ppl cry for Round Wars. Explain to them that its for 8 weeks of S4 wars for self-serving LB lobbyists. All those poor hard workin SH have only IWars now without u. Nothin like using ppl.

    2 results from Round Wars:
    1) ATA caved to greed in gave u Round Wars
    2) u will be the reason they die. Poetic Justice

    Looking forward to no Round Wars soon. GRATS to all the part time warriors involved
  7. I prefer indi wars personally. Seems to have the best shot in my opinion since anyone can do them.
  8. -Troll- u really shouldnt talk  i allways see u in wc looking for war  and just bc ur in a nice clan doenst make u untouchable and i dont have to push a button on u to prove something its called ik ppl and i can beat u mentally and verbally so ur dismissed bc ur argument is invaild please leave my thread u should br ashamed of ur self picking on someone much smaller then u u are a bully
  9. Agree that its typical TROLL makes sense.
    TROLL wars as much as anybody can due to a war build n does more than can be asked for. An SH should beg n kiss da feet of LB so can hide once more beneath their skirts.
    When he uses facts go figure.
    Noobs blame ATA for LB not warring. I too agreed Round Wars were a good idea but I was proven wrong n only human n make mistakes. Thx to the devs my misguided support for Round Wars has been rectified.
  10. If I am reading this correctly...

    1) You "challenged" anyone regardless of their size

    2) Someone contemplates accepting your "challenge"

    3) You cry, type an incoherent blob of a paragraph, cry a little more and insult me. You might have a little less BFA for round wars in the near future

    ️idiot lol
  11. Support
  12. No you do this to everyone i wasnt directing that to u i was directing that to hawk and look u threatend me and called me and idiot do u know i have autism ? Do u find that funny bc u just posted lol please explain bc i will be contacting ata and my lb freinds once im unsilcned so lets get the story fixed
  13. Do I think it's funny you have autism? No

    Do I think you're an idiot in the way you present yourself and threaten people. Yes. You are a complete moron.

    Please contact ATA and your "lb friends" 

    I'm sure they'll have your back
  14. k
  15. Dang troll is mean lol
  16. Ur beef lies with Round War clans not TROLL or me or ATA. At least blame the culprits n not ppl who initially supported Round Wars.
    The evidence is obvious.

    FYI Primal Wars r a result of the failure of Round Wars. IWars r for everyone who actually did work hard on their builds or want a war to enter.
  17. I'm honest.
  18. Agree being honest is not mean.
    Mean is LB leaving Round Wars high n dry.
    Devs either fix Round Wars or let them die a soldiers death. Definition of insanity is repeating over what fails n expecting different results.
  19. Albert Einstein one of the smartest humans to ever walk on earth had Autism
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