I just went looking for the clan Save Me.....? I guess They broke up. Anyway thanks to them all and I hope they are doing well. They saved a ton of EBs for a ton o clans
save me is not a clan. the clan name is monster mercs Inc. it is part of united merc legion u can post on Help_us wall to call mercs for help
earlier the posts were on saveme wall. now they have changed the posting wall to help_us. it is the same clan but different wall for u to post for help.
Saveme is a player. Look for kingdom saveme. Post on it's wall. Part of Mercs Central Station. Read clan description before posting on saveme's wall
From what I read on CC Save Me involved in a OSW atm. Not sure if it's 100% true but after it's finished they/he should be bck.
Yes,Mercs Legion and family are currently in OSW.That is why if you actually scroll down on saveme wall,you will see multiple "wall is closed" posts.
Yes saveme, our job wall, is currently closed for an ongoing osw. However you may advertise in wc or post on other merc job walls to get the help you need while we are out of commission. Please be patient and we will be back soon.