This is basically just a guide to help newer players learn the game, and excel at it. Good luck, and have fun. Table of Contents 1.] Basic Terminology -1a.] Game Terms -1b.] Forum Terms 2.] The Start 3.] Midgame 4.] Endgame 5.] What Now? ?.] Coming Soon Basic Terminology Allies: What you get when you hire (see below) another player. Allies add to your "Bonuses From Allies," and give you Ally Plunder. Ally Plunder: One of THE most important aspects of attack and hansel builds (see builds), this bonus increases the amount of gold you earn when attacking someone. (Note: Does not affect steals). To test if you have max plunder, attack someone, buy a cheap ally, then attack the same player again. If the "Ally plunder" number has changed at all, then you aren't max plunder. Ban: Something the devs (see devs) can do to you that prevents you from playing. Bans can be temporary or permanent, and can be earned by breaking the ToU (see below). Battle List: A list of people who have been on recently, with stats (see below) similar to yours. Access this list from Home tab of KaW. Buildings: What you can build on lands (see below) to increase your stats. Certain combinations create different builds (see below). Builds: One of the most important aspects in the game. Various building combinations constitute different builds. (Will be discussed throughout guide). Chat: Three different kinds of chat, World Chat, Clan Chat, and Ally Chat exist. These chats allow you to send messages to the World, your Clan, or your Owner/Allies. Clan: A group of players joined together in one group. Clans may have up to 100 members (excluding foxes and iG, for testing War system). Drop: To drop an ally, go to that ally in "Allies" tab, and hit drop. You only earn 60% of the allies hire price, so do not drop allies. Dev: Developer of the game. To become one, you must have programming skills, and work for A Thinking Ape. Farm: Generally thought of as OVER 5 attack in 24 hours. However, some people now get angry 3 or less attacks. Gold: The basic monetary unit. Used to hire allies, build and upgrade buildings, and any other non nobility (see nobility) purchases. Guild: The basic spy building, has four upgrade levels. Hire: To buy someone. Produces gold when hired, but only up to 1,000,000 gold. DO NOT ask people for hires. Owner: Either a leader of a clan, or someone who owns you as an ally. Silence: If you break the ToU (see ToU), you can expect this or a ban. A silence prevents you from talking on ANY CHAT. The first two silences are warning 24 hours, and the 3rd one is permanent. Spam: The act of posting any three or more related messages in a 5 minute time period. DO NOT spam, you can be banned. Spy: A building (Guild/Stronghold of Shadows), and a unit. Successfully spying on someone is hidden, however failing is not. Terms Of Use: The agreement you accept whenever you play KaW. Breaking this agreement can reward you with a silence or a ban. The ToU can be found under home tab, in Help section. Volley: The process where two people hire someone back and forth. Whoever does not keep the person as their ally profits from this. DO NOT ask people to volley you. Wall: Accessed by profile tab on home screen, or from another players profile, the wall is where people can talk together. Posting on someones wall will notify them. If I missed any game terms that seem important, please wall me. I will edit it as soon as possible. For even more advanced terms, please read Dillybar's KaW Dictionary, linked here: viewtopic.php?f=6
Forum Terms Active Topics: A list of threads (see below) posted on most recently. DO NOT bump (see bump) these threads Bump: Bring Up My Post. Posting "Bump," or any message on a thread will Bump it to the top of Active Topics/First page of it's category. Forum: If you're reading this right now, then you are in the forums. You can visit forums by going to "Home" tab, and tapping the forums button. Post: What you do when replying to a thread. Troll: A person who posts specifically to encite a reaction from you. Remember, don't give a reaction, and you will be left alone. Thread: A topic. Creating a new thread is done by pressing "New Post," entering a title, and typing in the text box. Again, if I forgot anything, please let me know. The Start At the start of your play time in KaW, you will be forced to play a tutorial. After that, you have access to most of the game features. Don't be overwhelmed by the flood of spam in World Chat, but DO NOT add onto it. You will be hired soon enough, but DO NOT ask for it. After starting out, you should have a troop building, and a guild. Keep both of these, but go and quest your troops down to 0. Buy an ally, and repeat it once you regenerate your troops. Make sure to always do the ones you haven't mastered yet. After a while, you should have a good amount in allies, and have been hired a few times. Attack any person off the battle list 5 times, buy an ally, and let your troops regenerate. Attack another player 5 times, and buy another land, and build a attack building. After they regenerate again, attack yet another player 5 times. Use the money to upgrade your attack buildings. Continue to do this until your next land costs 10 million gold. Midgame Congratulations! You've reached the midgame phase. Well, it depends on who you ask what midgame is. For me, it is when you begin converting your buildings to Tier 2s (Forges/Beastiaries/War Cathedrals) and start working on Max Plunder. So, when your next land costs 10 million, begin to save up that amount. Once that is reached, tear down your old building, and put up a shiny new Tier 2 building. Continue to do this until all of your buildings (except guild) are Tier 2s. At this point, upgrade your guild to level 2. After this, find a clan, preferably a sub clan to a top-50 clan. Once a clan is found, begin attacking battle list targets 5 times each. Put all of the money into allies, until Max plunder is achieved. After MP is reached, continue to buy more lands and put T2s on them until you reach the 60 million land. After buying this, upgrade your guild to level 3. Then, continue with T2s until the 900M land, where you should upgrade the guild to L4. Keep building T2s to the 1.2B land. [/size=125] ENDGAME! [/size] Woohoo! Endgame! Once you reach the 1.2 billion gold land, you'll have reached "Endgame." At this point, you should always be at max plunder. Start converting to Tier 3 buildings (aviaries, subterranean factories, or Summoning Circles) at this point. You should have the hang of it by now, so save up 1.33billion gold at a time to get your choice of Tier 3 building to level 3. Continue putting up T3L3 until you have all lands. Congratz! You're now Land Complete, and T3 build complete! What now? Once you reach LCBC, you can either reset for a small bonus, and 50 extra ally slots, or continue on to T4BC and LB. If you choose T4BC, you have to save up around 27B at once, to get it to level 3. You should have no problem with that at this point, as you definitely should know the game, and have some friends to help you out. Once you have all T4s, then start buying around LCBCT4 allies, for the stats. Once you have almost all 250 allies T4, you should be highly ranked. Well, that's the end of my guide to the game, feel free to post feedback below, and remember, it's just a game.
How to become moderator: Be slightly popular, yet do nothing. Even if you don't do this, you have a 99% chance of mod anyway!