saltys tips for suxes: getting chicks

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by saltyfeet, Mar 25, 2015.

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  1. So, i no most of u r chumps and have no life and that's y u dont have gf or any female friend or eben acquaintances who r females.

    This is a thread u shoukd b readin.

    Estep 1.- stop feeling helpless and start doing something. Chicks r not gonna comme to u.

    Estep2.- i no ur ugly. But ugly AND fat is a no no. Hit the gym. Cardio and resistance training are gona take u 1 step closer to them chicks.

    Estep3.- get ur grooming on. Gerls loooove a ckean, good smellin guy.

    Estep4.-money helps a lot. DO NOT SHOW OFF u gonna attract the wrong type of chicks.u only need to show u can take care of stuff without much difficulty.

    Estep5.- talk but Control urself. If u like this chick dont start talking nonsense or giggling or stuttering just cuz ur nervous.small talk(smart talk).dont come on tu strong. U gonna come on as a creep.

    Estep6.-if u dont no this estep gimme a call and ill take it from there.

  2. Dat knowledge doe
  3. No one cares salty.
  4. Step 6: be gifted below the belt if you catch my drift

    Girls love big legs. Don't skip leg day
  5. Estep 7: tel em Hw u ern 250k a yer
  6. jacks tip fo suxes: getting chicks edition

    Estep 1: get drunk

    Estep 2: get laid
  7. Forums is English only, I don't understand this foreign language. Please enlighten me and tell me what language this is.
  8. Wow you're even talking like salty. You're halfway to making 250k a year!
  9. I will suxes wif tis
  10. 1.-pretty sure ur underage so all and any drinking u do must b tang or red bul when u get ur allowance.

    2.- laid? U dont eben no what that is.

    3.- get out
  11. Dont.
  12. Sticky pls
  13. Salty has to be a very rich man in real life
  14. I think this is an example of what the world's school systems have come to. I also blame television programming.

    So much ignorance in the world.
  15. You sound like my history teacher
  16. Your history teacher sounds like a smart person.
  17. Unlike u
  18. Estep 7 pust sopurt
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