Saints Row IV What's the point of this thread? The point of this thread is to talk about what is new, what should be placed in the game of Saints Row 4 Well, I recently bought this game and I enjoy this game quite a bit. It doesn't bore me to death like Grand Theft Auto 5. I was curious to know what were your ideas on what they should do to this game. As in, what features they should put in or take out. You can also just talk about what you enjoy about the game and why you enjoy it. I like the game because I can run fast and jump high :lol: So what do you like about it?
Can't beat the first saints row Best multiplayer ever , TGB ,BOR and protect the pîmp️Ohhh so many memories and how good I was lol
Meh. I marathoned sr3, 4 just didn't do it for me. Too over the top. I suppose Il beat it some time, but I just didn't find it near as fun.
It's ok I guess, never beat 3rd or the other original saints. What ruins it is the superpowers.... Way to make yourself op in 5 mins of playing game, at least 3rd gave me a challenge where I couldn't complete within 24hours if I wanted, I'm talking 100% completion, not just the story either.
I thought the super powers were great. I loved the new methods of transport and crazy parkour. getting up the levitating towers was one of the first things I did xD
This game has been out for a long time so there's not gonna be anymore features plus this game is garbage especially when you beat it
Oh and this should not be compared to GTA V, it fell off with all the superpower **** to me, but I commend them for not trying to be like a another GTA game, switching to more fun and less complicity and less realistic graphics and etc
They simply couldn't keep up with the giant that is rockstar and GTAV, so getting progressively less realistic and more "fun/ridiculous" was the best option.
You do know that's their goal right? No where in the series was you meant to take any part of any of the saints row games serious. It's a constant laugh while playing. Gta is like cod over used and over beaten with sequel after sequel being practically the same though out the series. I can pick up vice city and tell you what gta 5 is like, that's how terrible it is with abusing the same features over and over.
Actually saints row 1 and 2were nothing like 3 and 4, saints row 1 and also 2 actually had a chance of competing with GTA until IV came out