S6 FeedBack S6

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Majin_Venom, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. Hope we all have some good experience or bad about this S6 wars,
    we still have 22 days to go.

    The feeling is Sad, why?
    because there are not many merc clans out there...
    most are overbook, you get bench!

    some people would say, make your own, Sure i can do that.. But:

    these days is not easy to do a 15 man roster, like 2 years ago when i only need
    it 11 guys not 15...
    also no one is willing to put time and effort if the rewards for wining are so low and for
    loosing, you get only mith

    i still say... 22 days to go.. omg, I really say good luck to all who are making Rosters for
    this crazy Season... too many days, we are human beings and this is only a game.

    Indi War is more less stressful than trying to Roster for Wars, that is the Beauty of the Random
    Builds casting for War. wait u want cute pictures.... nah i will write this in text, sorry for bursting your buble cupcake readers...

    This S6 is so Awful for everyone who loves to escape RL and just kick some builds butt around.
    I came to this game to have fun, meet people, hit monsters, when i discovered chaos Wars, everything change.. i got immerse in to this EE wars.. did S3, S4, S5, ASW 2015, Missed S2 cause i didn't know how wars Worked back those days.. ive beeen WC/Tracker/ A good clan mate in War. made bad decisions like anyone else. but i am here. still surviving the bad decision or good ones from the developers of this Awesome Tap Tap Game.

    Bring Back Indi Wars, Make the !00 vs 100 again, those were great. for Weekend
    give us all what we want.. and keep making this game awesome Devs, Thx Grant for Replying back to me. i know u guys have a lot of work up there in your tree. cheers all and don't abuse the
    monsters or Redbulls... live, fish and Laugh :cool:

    Feed back rating for S6 0-10 ( 5) for me
  2. It's easy to make a roster lol...
  4. I like indi because a kind of thrill of not knowing who you will get paired up with or against. But there are the few bad apples. However a little birdy told me 2-3 weeks after the season ASW will happen. Which is the best part of the game 10 times better than s6
  6. ASW hope they don't mess it up. seems that is the only good thing still left.