The Mercenary Intro Imagine a world without heroes. Criminals have begun hiring dangerous mercenaries as bouncers and hitmen. Imagine this world is where criminals rule. Cops don't exist, and order is unknown. Imagine if a gangster walked in your house, took everything and left, all while you where standing there. And there was nothing you could do about it. Our story takes us to San Fransisco. The streets run thick with blood of the innocent. The important office building are now all night stripper clubs or bars. Now imagine one building in each city. That building has been fortified beyond imagination, and anti-aircraft guns are upon the top. Important buildings like the pentagon, the Chrysler Building, and the Empire State building. This is home to the Rebels. The Rebels are a small force of civilians that have been trained since birth to fight, shoot, and win. This is where our story begins. So fasten your seatbelt, hold on to something, and get ready for, S.T.R.I.K.E. No posting here. I'll make a feedback thread. I'm open to suggestions and I need three charecters to sign up.