Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Leavanny, Jul 11, 2016.

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  1. Hey guys! Leavanny here. Today I'm just going to be asking if everyone could follow me for EPIC rp! It will preferably be either goat rp, or cutlery rp, I'm up for both :)

    So follow me, or just rp right here in this forum, thanks for reading :)
  2. *Moos like a cow*
  3. hahahahaha no one has ever done anything like this before.

    i mean sure, they have done threads about other random stupid rp. like toaster rp and stuff like that.

    but CUTLERY rp? wow. such original. i beg you to teach me your ways, senpai.
  4. Okay wordkun, let's do this...

    First, you must understand that the handle is the body, and at the end is the eyes and mouth. At the other end is the genitalia. Forks are female, and knives are male. I think spoons have down syndrome. Also, instead of intercourse, you "clink"
  5. Okay, next, you need to have the right mind set. It's useless if you just wanna play and go to the park. As cutlery, you are always horny.
  6. Ready for it*
  7. Intuitive and suicide-inducing.

    4/5 meatballs.
  8. I'm a Henckels Classic 8 in. Chefs Knife.
    May I play?
  9. Hi Levany. Please keep RP out of public channels, or if this is cutlery fanfic, pop it in there. Thanks!
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