Royal Chest Drops - Not Good

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by king3158, Sep 10, 2023.

  1. Anyone else tired of using nobs to open royal chests and continually getting lousy drops most of the time? I am. 80% of the time you get traders tokens, aqua and inferno. When you do get a furniture drop it is 300-450k furniture. We are using real $$ to open these things. The drop percentage needs ti be increased for better things(gold crux etc). Come on devs stop being so greedy. No more nobs for me until this is changed.
    whispershot, Bert and Hebrews_12_1 like this.
  2. It’s a broken system for sure.
    hippy likes this.
  3. I completely agree with the poor drop rates. You get our real money please make it worth our costs. I mean it’s just pixels and there is no held inventory. I don’t get why so greedy.
  4. I totally agree 12 months ago you would not see any royal boxes in my showcase ,now they are starting to pile up as the drop rates of decent items have all but disappeared, it just isn’t worth it anymore sad to say .
  5. Just opened 10 of them nothing but aqua, inferno and traders. Ridiculous
  6. This is the result of Devs allowing trading items and ppl having tens of alts. Alt farms ruined drops.

    So to get more drops more alts are made and the only people winning are the people/accounts that shouldnt exist. The people that play one acct suffer.

    It was crazy hard to upgrade furn before...with low drops you can all but forget ever having max lvl fuen unless you've got an alt army
    808Punanipatrol likes this.
  7. Still no change. Devs how about a comment
  8. This is a diabolical situation I find myself in. Nearly 3 years of opening chests and no pet ?... Is this normal ? Hate to be a moaning piece of crap but it seems slightly unfair.