ROLE PLAY CHAT !! Have fun 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Dan737 (01), Aug 9, 2011.

  1. Role play chat role play u put a * before and after so we no it's rp thx have fun
  2. (-.(\) Srs? There's a roleplaying thread right under this one.
  3. Dis one got less rules and no sign up lol
  4. Epic Fail... No offense.
  5. No. This is not allowed. My rp is allowed because for one thing, I helped make the rules of fan fic and two, My rp is a proper one. It's supposed to teach people and just to have fun.
  6. Feather I respect that but u can't ban every rp exept yours even though this is a bad example given the fact it fails epicly.
  7. This is the one time I will EVER agree with Iron