Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ufat, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. Rip satleefeet

    He was a very gr8 person and helpd the world becum a better place

    This is his memorial

    (Yes, I am an alt. No, not saltyfeet's)
  2. support
  3. We shud add nice things aboit salty to ensure the legend livs 5ever
  4. It's him
  5. U speek lies
  6. And salty spoke the truth
  7. We alredee got ower first compleemnt. Keep going guiys
  8. Ufat for valiant knight
  9. What's the cowards come to these days, next they gonna have statless alts to create guides.

    Seriously it's a tap tap game why you hiding behind alts? You scared people will farm you in your sleep?
  10. As a decent epitaph for dear salty " SHOULD HAVE WASHED YOUR FEET " sounds about right, fungal infections are terrible and cause abhorrent grammar.
  11. Locked for being lack of effort and spam material.
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