Discussion in 'Wars' started by 8-_-ZT0CKT0N4-_-8, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. ╔═══╗─R─╔╗╔════╗

    I'm speaking about our ongoing war with shadows clan and t4 vs. -RIOT TOWN-. The history behind what happen between us most of my friends and others want to know Its a long story like I said Theres two sides but, I only know mines I'm not going to tell lies or anything thats not the truth its a game with fake money.I can care less so im going to tell you this started over a world chat message from ZAFT-LR-APOCALYSE-SUCKZ or something like that now hes out -RIOT TOWN- since 2/13/2012. I like he's story's he told us about the history of kaw and things about how epics wern't in kaw but, back to the story he sent a world chat and before we even knew we were in a OSW we were being attack all top players because of (SHADOWBEAS11) was playing russain roulette and he doesnt have anything esle to do what he's dead clan.
    So, he attack I ask him "how come you are attacking us"

    Shadowbeas , "because your member is posting in world chat and i want you to kick him"

    ZTOCK "no im not" so we traded hits with each other.

    shadowbeas says "join with all your members and we will stop"

    ZTOCK "no im not going to your clan"

    Meanwhile, We was in war with warriors of pride and we had won because of t4_tate_ha.
    So him and hes alt left then shadowbeas11 continue after our war that same day tate jumps in the OSW.
    I ask "how come your hitting us"

    tate says "I'm allies with shadowsbeas11's clan"
    We try to ingore him and we started to continue hitting shadows and hes clan. so after that day "the 4 horseman of apocalypse" jumps into it and we started to farm them aslo.

    -alucard- she said she'll try and stop this so she went to shadows's clan and talk with goon55 and other clanmates from there and both clans cf fire.Problem Child makes a forum and t4 didnt see it. So they get all pumped up about it and continue.

    Thats what PC wrote when we were into it saying we aint going to back down witch we didn't T4 I guess they didn't see the tread until after we both cf and was kool. They help us on a epic battle because we were falling behind. so afterwards they hear from other kaw players. we said "its over"
    pc even comment at the end of the thread. Then drngblade locked it He said, "no reason for it to be in wars if its over."

    T4 says make a forum saying your sorry so I make one and basally it wasn't acceptable but was by T4_CONVERGE_HA he was owner at the time. tate continues saying he dosen't like it.

    Hits continue I guess converge didn't tell his clan to CF. Then alex00rmb makes a forum basically begging t4 to stop. They CF on him even wrote protection on his wall. but, He said "leave my clan alone"

    So they didn't stop on him we continue getting farm. (east_defender;ztock;goofy;alex) so we spit up left clan to see who was getting target it was me ; east; and alex was still getting hit when alex00rmb left to aztec they continue. So we finally knew that they never was going to stop shadowbeas11 said we are not going to stop until you disband clan It says on "shadows warriors of the fallen" clan page info. T4 doesn't like us becuase when we left -riot town- we farm all there bottom players anyone we could hit. We can't hit people who are 3mcs defence and we are 1.3mcs in attack. Well enough said thats the issue and thats what riot town members are going threw.Now we we are fighting to keep our clan not because we want too.

    all of RT...

    ASLO things we all been threw while in this osw. We was being strip during wars having spies in our clan. Admins trading sides kicking all members out and clean our clan info pg.(xxshadowdemonxx) Another spy is in our clan messing with our ads putting "riot clowns" sending them without notice.NOW our members can't even go item hunting without being harrass and follow.
    So I'm guessing T4 and shadow's clan will never stop until we disband and we are not going too. So this war is never going to end even tho I have no chance at winning we been strip and got 0 gold I will still stay. We made the clan and We our the only ones we can destroy it.
  2. Hmm...

    This Riot Town seems to be clogging AT with threads about tgeir OSWs.
  3. Nobody cares
  5. Your tiny noob clan try way to hard to get noticed, nobody cares about who riot town is warring or why.
  6. That's shadow for ya. Way to go pal.
  7. You forgot the part where I paid off one of your admins to kick all your members
  8. man you guys are the one to talk right let us grow your size garentted it will be a whole different story
  9. Thank them. They are during your clan a favor. Otherwise you guys would be ebing atm.
  10. Riot town can shut up and fight you ain't zaft or ig we don't really care
  11. Alex the only player you hit was the_guy, can't really complain about "size".
  12. this is just explaining to people whos in the osw and doesn't know nuthing about it dumb kaw geek
  13. Slim why you upset. They are getting owned and atleast fighting back 
  14. East_defender inc att 0/5 

    Why would you be warring and your clan don't know why?
  15. Lol east_defender, we made you get kicked for a clan. Made you run and better yet continued to pin you. Lol wheres your "main" that you said would whoop my ass.
  16. king your talking about size compare me to you lol
  17. @justice we know T4 we got inc hits all day and they dont know the history
  18. Alex was talking about "size" he tryed to stip and farm my alt.