Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by -____XIII____PALE____IIIX____-, Nov 13, 2014.


    We're back!!!!!! We're here to bring back our family and B2B HTE
    with ROTWB
    and Blood Rains rotation. Here is the Clan Page

    :!: 4 day pass- sealer items :!:
    :!: 5 day pass- sealer phase 1 items :!:
    :!: 7 day pass- items FFA :!:
    :!: Clan crystals are sealers choice. Sealer is allowed max xstal. :!:

    :!: OSW People- Sealer in OSW will be kicked and items FFA :!:

    :!: New entries will not hit HTE until seal has been used. New entries will be next sealer. Failure to comply will lead to being kicked. :!:

    ROTWB/HTE/Blood Rain Rotation IF enough ppl are here.

    :!: :!: IF sealing for another then they must leave after EB. IF some one is sealing for you then they must leave after seal has been used. :!: :!:

    Drama stays outside DONT bring it here, you will be kicked.

    Testing the Owner/Admins will lead to an Apocalypse. Do not test us.
  3. Sounds like a great way to start an osw :lol:
  4. You have some terrible HTE rules also, your clans gonna fail hard

    Am I gonna come, and wait 2 hrs before hitting HTE to seal? Hell no.
  5. "Family and b2b HTE"

    Lmao no clan is a family and a B2B HTE clan
  6. Oh and this too.
  7. I always thought that rule sucked ass too, but it discourages the hit and run seal jumper. So it makes sense. Trust no one..
  8. Inferno, you do realize that nobody is going to follow it anyway. Either that, or they just won't come seal and will go somewhere else
  9. I like the emphasis on Blood Rains
  10. Hi! I love your clan name. "Apocalypse"

    Does that name seem similar to anyone else? Or just me?


    Hmm no that one is taken too.

  11. I like that if someone is in osw you hijack their seal. I'd disband your clan in that happened to me, but I'm also not stupid enough to seal there.
  12. Why you would join an HTE clan while you're in an OSW is the better question...
  13. Secret banks that get found out
  14. Go to Zero Gravity, much better 
  15. Technically they aren't in the osw, they just help fund it.
  16. Not if it's found
  17. Are you a secret bank?
  18. No, I'm actually an ex-clanmate. And I'm in osw
  19. You really can't prove someone is a secret bank, when you're on the other side. It's all speculation
  20. Ikr lack of creativity there