Rewards bug

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by EpicBattlesFearMe, Mar 26, 2017.

  1. 5000 reward for Favor of Kyzarian has no plunder bonus :{

  2. He is right O.O
  3. Indeed
  4. Cool. It's not like we can do anything about it.

    Submit a ticket in the support system. Devs will fix it.
  5. 10k has no golden crux but 15k has 2 golden crux
  6. devs are getting stingy, they know if you wanna get to 15k you most likely have to spend $
  7. Not hard to guess it will be 15%
  8. 15k is easily achieved thru lotl/goth rotation for free
  9. oh so only for people and clans that are already pretty strong meanwhile everyone else gets shafted and has to spend $. Of course its attainable for certain people but most clans aren't doing lotl and goth. get real
  10. 15k is easy...there is this thing called ee
  11. Been fixed, no need for this thread, ty devs
  12. be quiet teachers pet