Hello everyone. As of late, I have noticed a decrease in the amount of debates and discussions, being flooded out by clan ads, questions, and noob threads. This is the first thread in a series of threads I plan to create that will revolve around current issues, arguments, and my own crazy ideas to work as solutions. If anyone has ideas for a future thread, don't hesitate to share it with me. These threads won't be regularly scheduled, and you will receive absolutely no warning whatsoever of when one is about to be posted. However, I CAN guarantee that they will be fairly low-effort and perhaps offensive to some people. I say these ideas are revolutionary, but that doesn't mean they're good. The idea of communism was also revolutionary... My goal with these threads is not to end the ideas at the end of the original post, but to also grow them as the thread progresses. Now that that's over, let's get down to the revolutionary discussion. TODAY'S TOPIC: ILLEGAL INTERNATIONAL DRUG TRADE Upon seeing an ad for the reality show "Border Rico", I began to wonder to myself why the USA doesn't pursue other methods of drug control than spending millions/billions of dollars sending people to prison and keeping the borders so secure. This made me think: why target the drug supply when you can target the drug demand? What I mean by this is simply making it so that people won't have anyone to sell to if they smuggle drugs into the country. The capital incentive is eliminated. How do we eliminate incentive? LEGALIZE ALL NON-POISONOUS DRUGS. Why legalize all drugs? • If they are legalized and people legally produce these drugs, it will mean that the government can monitor the drug trade more openly, ensuring that drugs meet proper standards for use, etc. • You can tax the sale of drugs while simultaneously cutting down funding for border control •The gangs and cartels that sell these drugs will become less powerful. Organized crime will be reduced because the main source of revenue for organized crime is drug trade •You can force sellers of these drugs to place anti-drug ads onto the packages that the drugs come in, similar to tobacco products in North America. This will result in a lowered amount of drug users and a higher rate of people quitting. •Gateway to other crime is eliminated. Purchasing drugs from gang members will cause you to align yourself with the gang, perhaps even joining them in organized criminal activities. Legalized drugs will simply let you purchase them from your local dealership and let you move on with your life.