Discussion in 'Strategy' started by PERRYTHENOTPIATYPUS, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. hey guys and gals
    for the ones of you who remember me
    im actually coming back
    that means daily not every once and a while
    soooo who exactly is still around that i know cuz i ish sooooo lost
    the game is waaaayy different than when i quit 2 months ago so somebody should help me feel around
    anyway i hope that i can make new friends as well as reuniting with old friends!!
    see you guys soon ^.^
  2. Halmy!!!! Sup man, lol im playing again too
  3. DEEJAY!!!! alriiight
    dude im sooo broke
    inactive farm ftw
    i got pwned hard XD
  4. Lol it happens
  5. I'm jbodizzle
  6. oh crap whats up jbo???? still a fox?
  7. No alot has happened halmy...
  8. a crap load has happened....the game is very very very different
  9. Never met you but welcome back.
  10. Welcome back bro :)
  11. i gots 2 empty laaayyyyaaannndsss someone should let me farm them pretty please
  12. Welcome back again Hal
  13. My clan
  14.  I'm glad your back! 
  15. Well...a major thing is that KaW is now pushing 600 hundred clans, devs have changed plunder, nerfed tower farms, and...hmm... Hello:)
  16. oh you forgot the killing of volleying with the timed hires
    and the killing of the stripping process because of the gap percentage between gold earned versus gold taken
    and there was a slight increase on gold earned from quests....hey sholron old buddy
  17. Welcome back Perry..!
  18. Yes I Vollying is a pain now...