Revenge of the Warbeast

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Jmcm71, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Hello kaw, I found out phases on revenge of the warbeast and wanted to share. xD

    Phase 1:
    Use Horn of Calydor on Calydor's Corpse (1/1)
    Attack and Assainate health to 99%

    Phase 2:
    Attack and Assainate Boar Bridade (10500/10500)
    Assainate only Deadly Tusks (10500/10500)
    Attack and Assainate health to 0%

    Thanks for taking time to read :D this eb drop seal of the dammed and give about the same plunder as TFC so enjoy and gl on getting seals unless you buy them lol xD!
  2. Sorry for now pictures but I'm on my iPhone lol
  3. Hmmmmmm.
    Will need to try this.
  4. Thx for the infor
  5. No problem :D
  6. For the war beast to get revenge that means you have to lose, get it right fellas
  7. Inb4 Revenge of the Revenge of the Warbeast.