Revealed: The True Meaning of Star Wars

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Nov 6, 2015.

  1. There are many Star Wars fan theories, but this is my favorite.

    Star Wars is actually an adult video. My evidence? Read these lines and imagine how they might apply to your love life. You will never look at Star Wars the same way again. May the force be in you!

  2. 
  3. Wow.... Far out man. Nicely done detective frog, the gutter of the mind is strong with this one.

  4. Stare at this ewoks face and try not to laugh.
  5. "Luke, I'm your daddy."
  6. Yoda to Luke - The Force is strong in you it is
  7. Welp clear the active topic board of any other nonsense including my BS threads

    This. Is. PRETTY GOOD!!!
  8. Most Impressive.

  9. Goddamn it 

  10. This is how I feel after I've won a PvP.. (Or a successful Han Solo in Carbonite RP)

    Great thread Frog!!!
  11. Read the title wrong thought it was another all star bragging thread  nice thread 

  12. Frog wouldn't brag or act superior it's not his nature. You would know that if you ever had allies over 5tril. ?