Revamp of System war

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ZachGhost, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. Many people complain about how the war system has to be revamped. No, not the EE system, but the old school system war system. I believe their is a way to revive it and make it way more interesting.

    First there has to be no time limit. Say two clans want to start an OSW make a no time limit type of war that allows them to have an OSW that is kept track of.

    Second like most OSWs give the clans in the war the ability to add solo players or whole clans to their side with a button giving the clan a notification to join war or even a player to join the war

    Many of you may be wondering how communication would take place between clans who are allied together in the war and how clans facing each other can talk. There would then be an alliance chat and a war chat.

    Alliance chat would allow all allied clans to talk. While the war chat would allow all clans and players on both sides to talk and trash talk of corse inside the chat.

    War chat might even help reduce the OSW bashing threads in forums.

    Clans would also be able to run EBS while in this type of war because this is meant to simulate OSW and to fund strips you need to sometimes be hitting EBs to fund them.

    The only way to win would be of a forfeit or a money limit being the first clan to reach X amount of gold.

    Lastly there would be no war tax like in regular OSW there is none.

    NOTE: I will be later adding another thread to explain my idea for my clan revamp ideas.

  2. Cool this is like several ideas plus a few new ones
  3. I agree that the system needs a touch up or two, but what you're talking about is a complete change. Only because there is so much change in your idea, I think that it should be a new war type(skirmish/battle/war) and it should be called total war, which basically means using every resource and tactic possible to break your opponent. The joining part might be hard to do, and how will you leave the war? Also, you say solo players can join, so will this alliance chat include them, and if it does, will this be an entire new tab? Will the chat be moderated some how? I think that the only way you can win is by the enemy forfeiting. I personally don't think that money gained can decide a victory, but money lost. So in my opinion it should count money lost on each side. Last thing, will it still have the war screen with war rosters, and if so, will there be multiple clans listed with their rosters, and what about the solo players?
  4. @Resilience

    Yes it would not be the only war, but a new type. Yes solo players could also talk on alliance chat if they are allies.

    Ill add this soon: there should be the ability to even have a 3 way.
  5. I like the idea, but it probably needs to be thought out a little more. The idea of having a record of your wars would be awesome. I really think that the war should be measured in who loses more gold not gains it(through pots and gold out). That way we can see who is really stripping who. Speaking of stripping, I think that updates should be slowed down. One update every few hours, that way strips can go by without the enemy easily catching it.