Return to Highever Signups

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Poisonfang (02), Oct 1, 2011.

  1. This story is basically about my character and her return to her home city Of Highever. For that matter her name is: Elissa Cousland. She is 14 years old. She has red hair and blue eyes. Her parents have just died 3 momths ago in Arl Howe's treachery. The last words ever spoken to her by her father: " Go Pup, Warn you brother "
    Three months Later, Elissa and her three allies which includes her own warhound, return to Cousland Castle.
    So that's the Story line and description of my chracter. Speaking of Characters please sign up for your own or ones in the story.
    Name: (if u want to be one in the story)
  2. Name: Skye Seeker
    Age: 17
    Weapon- Twin Swords that can fuse together
    Personality- Cheerful, but when in battle, becomes fierce and unrelenting.
    Backstory- Skye's parents died when he was 4. He lived with an uncle and aunt, and they treated him nicely. When he was 13, they also passed away. Skye loves to adventure. His dream is to become a sky adventurer.
  3. Name Tra'rök
    Weapons: twin enchanted* long-gladius** made of tangroth***
    Age: 21
    story: born of the energy of the fusion of a demon and a human in an even battle, he has wandered the Netherworld for ages. Tra'rök does not age.

    *enchantments: the power of thunder along with tangroth's natural power

    **long-gladius: basically a longsword combined with a Roman gladius

    ***tangroth: a metal of immense power, it has not been determined if tangroth is always extremely cold or extremely hot. Many have decided it's both.
  4. Name: Cygnus
    Age: 213
    Personality: Wise and experienced, always alert, although easily aggravated by stupid actions

    Appearance: He is about 6"2, and always wears dull-colored baggy clothes that cover his body. Under wise grey eyes, he has an epic beard.

    Weapons: A gigantic gear, imbued with ancient power and engraved with ancient runes, strapped to hid back that he uses for several scenarios. He can throw/swing/hit it, but it is also used to perform the intense magics he has mastered. Using the magic and the gear, he can clear entire canyons and destroy mountains with ease. One problem: the gear is broken, and he can only use simple magic until it's fixed.

    BS: Cygnus was the general of the army of an extremely advanced race in the future, called Gyrudo. The race had all but taken over their world, a mechanical planet (made of gears and machinery) when the planet's failsafe kicked in. Sensing an unbalance in magic, as the only opposing races had very little magic compared to them, the planet, Magnum, destroyed itself and in the process, scattered the entire Gyrudo species through time and space. Cygnus just so happened to land (after quite an unpleasant trip through time and space) in the temple of the Gyrudo - in an alternate dimension. In this world, the Gyrudo have long died out, and only a small amount of Gyrudo technology remains. But defying the laws of space/time comes with a cost.

    (basically, he got blowed up, sent through time and space, and ended up in the alternate universe (this story) where his species has already died out. BUT: because he traveled into an alternate dimension, he can potentially destroy time/space with so much as a touch. He knows this, and so chooses to try to stay away from others... But the universe will catch up eventually, and it will shatter)

  5. Change that: he landed in a museum where the remains of his civilization were being displayed.
  6. Ok all accepted
  7. you keep spelling Tra'rök wrong 0.0
  8. Sorry Sstg my typing was fast and i had to do some homework
  9. Name: Saphyriel (called Saph by friends) Trenns

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Weapons: An electric blue broadsword embedded with sapphires and emeralds that doesn't need a lot a strength to wield.

    Appearance: Long, wavy, dark brown hair; jade colored eyes; pale skin; quite tall; a bit underweight

    Personality: Caring; fierce in battle; outgoing; clever; strategic; protective

    Backstory: Make up something tragic 

    Is it okay?
  10. Oh, and the sword is infused with ice magic which temporarily freezes the area it hits. Remove it if it's too OP 