Return to Highever (3 months ago) preview

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Poisonfang (02), Oct 1, 2011.

  1. Return to Highever

    Chapter 1: The War

    Today my brother, Fergus, will be taking up my family's house banner in honor of our house to fight with the king. My father and The Arl will also be fighting in this war, which leaves me in charge of
    the castle.

    Father called for me this morning and well I dont know how to put this into words. "Oh I didnt see you there pup" My father said looking at me. "Howe you remember my daughter" My father said looking at Arl Rendon Howe. Howe speaks to me and I answer uncertainty in my voice. My father asks for me to tell my brother something. I go to speak with my brother when i run into Skye. "Your hound is upsetting the cook again, Nan's threatening to leave", Skye says, his voice the same as always.

    Skye and I head to the kitchens, where my mabari warhound, Adrianne, has the cook in an uproar. Adrianne is not always good at listening, she only listen to her mistress.

    Skye and I go into the larder and try to get Adrianne out of it. Once we are in Adrianne starts growling and barking at a wall. Then big grey rats come from the walls and Skye, Adrianne, and myself fight them back. Once we are done, we come out and Skye tries to explain to Nan what Adrianne was doing in the larder.