[RESOLVED] Unable to hit EB's

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. Updated @ 2:20PM PDT
    This issue should now be resolved.
    Please let us know if you have any further issues.

    We're currently aware of an issue where some players are unable to hit in Epic Battles and receive an error message stating "Unable to fight: Only 1 item with an EB reward effect can be active at once."

    We're working on this, and hope to have this resolved shortly.
  2. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    Cool story bro
  3. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

  4. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    Lmao please Give 1 free seal or horn out for troubles 
  5. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    Oh okay, cool. We need to hit our eb's because we are fairies. Get it fixed asap please.
  6. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    you messed up our scheduled tt  i want you to knock 3 mins of please :lol: 
  7. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    How mysterious
  8. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    Lmao robot
  9. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    Hurry up kc be nice to hit this tt :p
  10. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    This issue should now be resolved.

    Please contact support@athinkingape.com should you have any further issues.
  11. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

  12. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's



    I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!

  13. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    I want double PvP money. Screw compensation.
  14. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    Umm it's not 2:20

    Stupid devs.

    So stupid.

  15. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    Why don't u devs stop being so nooby and update fc?!?

    Y u do dis?!?!
  16. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    Can u get these bloody rotwb spells out so we can leave clan without missing out on the spell?
  17. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    Working on it, though it won't happen until after the individual wars end at 7PM PDT today. Remember that you'll need to be back in your clan when rewards go out so once you've finished warring be sure to find your way back.
  18. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    Free seal for this.
  19. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    It just happened to be on HTE time trials 
  20. Re: [ISSUE] Unable to hit EB's

    Great what about my clan . There was two of us that could not hit the eb.. 100 action missed out . Not really fair . To be honest 