We're looking into the issues with players not appearing in this current individual war and will be having a fix available shortly. Please hold on for the time being. There was an issue with War #3 matchups today and we're going to have to reschedule this war. The updated War #3 will take place at 9PM PDT (12AM EDT), and will require you to cast/sign up once again. We're going to be extending Estoc's Edge for everyone who cast Wave of Conflict to sign up for the War #3 at 7PM PDT. We're also going to be refunding Mithril used by players after they cast Wave of Conflict. This will be happening shortly. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused from this issue, and thank you for your understanding.
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 Rescheduling war means time trial reward for RWB is rescheduled as well? Lol
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 err devs I think ur times are Off The updated War #3 will take place at 9PM PDT (6PM EDT), and will require you to sign up once again. times would be 6pm PDT and 9PM EDT last I checked pdt is 3hrs Behind edt unless kaw has changed time zone info ..
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 You need to extend ee for those who cast wave plz. Only fair that we showed up to war and got no match. Thx
Re: [Issues] Individual War #3 What about the gold we banked and the clan EB's that we walked away from with out get the bonus.