Discussion in 'Wars' started by *WD_ZoMbIe_QuEEn_WD (01), Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Anyone else agree zaft is too powerful? And their just getting more powerful, creating more and more sub clans. Too much power belonging to few is not good for kaw, theyve been on top too long. My main has no beef with zaft i just think the game would be much more interesting if they could be toppled and their power devided up. Its not impossible, Zaft faith is failing to keep the few in pure evil pinned. So i ask all u big alliances out there to stop being cowards and ban together and put an end to the z's, it would be a war of epic proportions. Zaft is strong but couldnt withstand the wrath of several major alliances which i will not name. Or just sit back, hit your ebs and wait for new e season and be cowards and grow fat on gold and mith instead of playing this as a war game and taking out the tyrants of kaw. :D
  2. Um...

    Wasn't that the whole point of Apocalypse?
  3. No apoc was around before that
  4. Posted by a 100k cs player. With you as the leader of this rebellion, zaft will surely fall! :lol:
  5. Oh dear not another one
  6. Then one Alliance would be replaced with another.
  7. Then the "alliance" who killed zaft would be the new zaft
  8. Why don't you make one and tell us how it goes hmmmmmm
  9. If you want them down so much, then why dont you create an alliance?
  10. I read this as 'Racist Zaft'.

    Got all excited
  11. In all honesty, I don't think op could take out zaft. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't think they could.
  12. You are wrong Farr, OP is a beast!
  13. Here on this thread the rebellion begins!

    *sees OP's stats*

    Oh nvm it died.
  14. Lol a crocodile true
  15. Zaft is like a lizard, disband a sub clan and then the next day it grows back
  16. Op did say she posted with an alt
  17. First off, we are not going to repeat history and launch an all-out war against them like how the rest of KaW warred against ZAFT and IG last time. The result was numerous casualties and neither side won.

    Second, ZAFT is a superpower in KaW, they have earned to get to such a high position. Why dont you see many clans like ZAFT? Because being the top is hard. Very hard.

    Anyways, good luck to you in defending ZAFT's likely farms towards you. Have a nice day. =)
  18. Then she clearly isn't confident in her ability to take out zaft. If she won't take the first risk, why would apok and wdgaf and umbrella, and all the big alliances? Simple. They won't. Plus they have no real reason to.

    I'm so sick of people hating on zaft all the time. You know they are protective of their members, so why **** with them? They got to where they are through hard work.