I had all lands on the lowlands and had buildings on them all. I reset and didn't receive anything. I read in the forums you only need the lowlands completed. Does anyone know why this happened?
You must be Build Complete That means you have explored/built everywhere in the Lowlands and the HIGHLANDS
Op, check under your permanet items (in your profile) for this: If you have it, you did get the bonuses. Max, you're wrong. If you also have the highlands, it's like getting lc and reseting on the lowlands twice. You only need to explore all lowlands; you don't even need a building on each one.
Nothing under permanent. Goes straight to speakers. I reset logged in the comp. That shouldn't matter right?
Man I feel stupid. I was looking under marketplace where it said permanent. Thanks J3acon. It's under profile. Thanks for all you guys help
Did you speak to a dev prior to resetting? You may need to do so. As long as you had all 25 of low lands. Completed there should not have been a problem.