
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *mochachip (01), Jun 25, 2010.

  1. I'm just wondering, what is the point in resetting?

    Until recently I was building all forges but I got bored so changed to spies. I was tempted to reset but thought it seemed a bit stupid.

    Is the only reason for resetting to escape and have a new name and kingdom?
  2. Once you've LC'd(Land Complete) and you reset you get some permanent item to help boost your stats and you also increase your ally cap.
  3. New name, of you can't afford 20 nob, or if you have land completed, you get special items upon reset.

    First reset- +3% to attack and defence
    Second reset- +3% to spy attack and spy defence
    Third reset- +5% to attack and spy attack
    Fourth reset- +5% to defence and spy defence.

    May have gotten the order wrong, but I know it all adds to +8% to all stats after 4 resets. Also, you get +50 ally slots every LC reset. (There are 250 basic slots)
  4. Ah and another thing (pretty minor, but anyway) you get to choose another flag after resets.
  5. Hmm interesting, seems like it'd take a while to LC but they're nice bonus'. Have many people done it 4 times already?
  6. Around about 70-80 I'd guess. TZ has done it around 25 times or so :p he's a legend in LC resetting.
  7. Yes.
    There is a land completions leaderboard on the PC.
    The majority of players have not though
  8. Okeys, thanks for all the info I guess I won't be LCing any time soon :p