Alright, so this is my 3rd Reset now and i have experienced different ways to quickly grow and get your stats up Some are as follows: GH method [color] This method isn't just for resets, also for new players: when you first reset you have your first 3 lands automatically there. Comprende? go in wc and ask for a volley you will usually get one With the money from the volley fully upgrade your build for troops Upgrade your guild to level 2. Level 3 cost 75mil. So worry about further upgrades later. Keep unlocking lands/building guilds/upgrading then to level 2 until you have a total of 12 lands On those lands should be 1lvl 3 troop building of your choice 1lvl 1 castle And 10 level 2 guilds. By now you should be making decent money so you can start upgrading those guilds to lvl 3 or lvl 4( 900mil) And wallah. You have a stable gh build to start you off (there's a thread somewhere for switching builds, you'll just have to hunt for it. attack build/hybrid method When you first start reset you have your first 3 lands automatically there Go in wc, all for volley With that money upgrade your guild to lvl 2(for plunder) Upgrade your attack build completely/buy more lands and build/upgrade builds Now comes the vital part, allies. You need allies that way you can get some plunder off ebs. i find that allies under 500mil are bought off you almost immediately. so you will need a ally. I suggest buying a crap ally for 500 mil , and hope it doesn't get immediately bought, and if it does oh well, extra money, buy another. Now u have a stable income. You will need to buy allies till at max plunder. You will no when you're at Max plunder when you buy an ally and your income doesn't go up Now you can upgrade your builds to t2, t3,t4. Congratulations, you just successfully made an attack build. For a hybrid just throw in a couple more guilds and such till attack and spies are pretty much equal. (combine gh and attack. Duh) resets only castle upgrade I personally love doing this, all it is is doing any of above builds and quickly upgrading your castle to lvl2 this gives you quick stats and youcan grow all the faster. Please feel free to post your comments and any modifications or other methods. Thank you for reading. Happy kawing
Wait, I heard a rumor about resetting. Questing, getting crystals and then resetting. Do you keep those crystals or did that get patched/fixed and that no longer exists?