
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIIKaBOOMIIII, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. Hi I read something about how you can get a total of 8% bonus to attack and defense. So I reseted only once but got only 3% bonus. Do I have to reset again to get that 5%?
  2. If you reset again at LC, you'll get a 3% bonus to spy attack and spy defense. The one after that is a 5% bonus to attack and spy attack. Fourth one is 5% to defense and spy defense. There's also 50 extra ally slots with each LC reset, and any reset after the fourth will just add ally slots.
  3. Ok awsome thank you
  4. I just reset too. You also get extra ally slots
  5. Be wary, many LB have never reset
  6. Nt even the best
  7. Nop they are just trolling u, damn who the hell belives anything written in forums?
    Don't reset u will loose!
  8. Did you even read the thread? He has already reset idiot.
  9. How can he reset the Idiot? Can u just reset someone with mental problems? Will u try it on yourself then?
  10. No i am refering to you as an idiot. The op has already reset and is asking what his/her bonus is
  11. FreeDJ you are really fail trolling :roll:

    If you re going to troll at least be successful.
  12. Troll? Where do u see Troll here? OMG u all have problems with eyes lol, quit KaWm save your eyes!
  13. Lmao, what an idiot
  14. Exactly deadly. Doesnt even know what he's talking about.
  15. I know, im talking about u both :)
  16. What a noobcaked idiot. Pity S-A isn't around to feed him to a godly pickle :(
  17. Sory, your mama is right at me, but she will be home later. Then she will feed u - little baby boy :)
  18. He sounds soooo much like -SA-