Reset Questions?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -KW_KrzCooter_KW-, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. I am looking to reset. Been reading forums and seen lots of different info. What do resets count as. I have seen lowlands counts as 1, lowlands/highlands count as 2. Then I also saw a post saying lowlands/ highlands count as 4. Which is it?
  2. I am lllc with a bit of highlands already, and good strength. Trying to figure which strategy is best for me.
  3. Lowlands 1 highlands 2
    The other is in reference to most players that reset do so 4 times for the bonuses and Max ally cap boost,
    Most reset on lowland complete, it's too expensive to reset on a highlands completion
  4. That is what I thought, but viewtopic.php?t=2371?f=8 says resetting with both maps land complete will count up to 4.