Reset loss to be reduced!!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lllIIlIIIllllllIIllllIIlllIIl, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. This is insane!!! im losing more money a day then I am making due to resets .

    I know kaw devs put reset loss at 40% to prevent infinite money loop with volleydropping but could you please reduce the loss when the ally resets?

    In order to still prevent misuse you could easily program reset loss at 40% if reset is done within one week/month whatever after account creation.

    Longer than that should give the owner 100% refund!

    Pls  change this asap!

    Thx in advance
  2. The reason that this is in place is to make people think about which allies they buy, and to carefully choose. Players could buy inactives for cheap prices and volley to trillions (if they have the cash), and bank large amounts, help another player make lots, and there would be no element of risk.
  3. I know your pain, lost over 10b when an ally reset on me last night.. But that's just the risk you take in hiring allies.

    And tbh i know my ally did a good thing for his build and I can appreciate that.

    If it bothers you a lot you could always try hiring inactives?
  4. Problem is that ATA is resetting inactives. And that's not why the 40% loss was put into place Mrs whatever your name is.
  5. Damn I thought they only did it if someone requested it?
    (owns clan or a cool username)

    Ahh well, won't effect me as I prefer actives anyway.
  6. Yeah  inactives autoreset too to clean up player database.

    I already mentioned dropvolley measures mrs.
  7. Eric, that seems part of the reason, along with preventing the loop of volleying and resetting for no loss.
  8. The risk factor.
  9. If an ally is reset by ATA, I think the loss should be dropped to 20% only, so 80% return.
  10. They gon love me for my Ambition
  11. I would agree strongly with that.
  12. Miss, sorry for saying but it doesnt look you got a right to speak. You dont even have allies so you dont have anything of intrest in this topic.
  13. @Barcode who said my alt was in the same condition? I have a right to speak my mind. Also, considering i have reset before in a condition where i had allies reset on me, i am in a place where i know what im talking about.

    Thank you very much. :)
  14. That's the risk you take in investing.
  15. I had two random allies be rest within a day. I had only hired them about a few hours before and I lost about 10 bil from both. I thought you weren't supposed to lose any money though because of what happened about 6 months ago I think.
  16. Ppl wit no allies rock
  17. My only problem with the devs resetting accounts. Is they are resetting good tradable ally's.

    Ally's with good stats that are worth keeping. I can see deleting fresh out of tutorial 400/200 stat players.

    But not 500k stat players those are good ally's. By resetting them Ata is slowing community growth.

    Maybe that's there plan maybe not. But dev forced resets should come at no loss to owners or lower loss.
  18. I kind of like the risk. The element of danger makes it interesting
  19. I don't think auto-resets should come as no loss. You could still make an alt, volley it very high and wait six months. But I like the sound of 20% loss on that.