Reset Buddy?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -IllIIIZombifiedUnicornIllIlI-, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. Hey I'm about to do my 3/4 reset (once my damn ally gets hired :[]) but it took me about 3 weeks to build up from reset #2 and that's much longer then I'd prefer. Can I get someone to basically stand by and guide me towards my 4th reset so I can get it over with? Thanks :)
  2.  what u wanna do is talk to spragga
  3. I detect a possible sarcasm...?
  4. Peeka has reset over 100 times
  5. I can't tell wether I'm being trolled or not -_- that is what this world has come to. Are y'all being serious or not?
  6. Seriously peeka has 102 completions. I can provide a pic. He's THE -TZ-
  7. Wall spragga just come before him with a goat's head and the hair of your 1st born son and he shall answer your question
  8. All hale the mighty peeka. Long live spragga, Amen
  9. Wait what? I'm not -tz-
  10. O~O

  11. Nvm... Lol...
  12. read my forum
  13. how to low land complete lightning fast