Reset Bonuses

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _____________ayoo_____________, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. I just finished my fifth full-day of KaW. I've acquired two items and I just LCed.

    I'm thinking about resetting so I can get the bonuses. Are they worth it? Be honest.

    1st LC: 3% att&def
    2nd LC: 3% spyatt&spydef
    3rd LC: 5% att&def
    4th LC: 5% spyatt&spydef

    It shouldn't take more than another 20 days to get all these bonuses.

    Worth it?
  2. Yes. It's an advantage that most HLBC players missed out on, so you'll be 8% ahead of 90% of the KaWmunity with your reset items. You can always go back and get EB items later.
  3. Thanks a lot bud.
  4. Wait you LLLC in 5 days of kaw...damn I remember it took me a loooooong time to LLLC....
  5. Took me around a month for my first reset. Wayyy back in '10, in a small, private clan.
  6. Of course it's worth it. It can be accomplished so easily nowadays that there is no point in not doing it.