reset boni removed

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BlutEngel, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. I started a new account some time ago. I did 3 LC resets and I was ready for the 4th when the devs removed to reset boni.

    Now the best reset item (5% spy def) is missing on that account and there is no way to get it.

    I would have bought all pro packs for that account and made it HLBC. Now it is not worth all the time and money.

    Oh, wait. There is a way to get my reset items... I could simply buy a HLBC account that has all pro packs and all reset items on the second hand market, so the device is no longer wasted.

    Congrats, devs, you removed the fun in starting new accounts and you lowered your income at the same time.
  2. Email them. Dont waste forum space about it.
  3. 5% is so little to be upset about. Just play the game if you enjoy it. Ally bfa will cover that up with ease.
  4. 5% is small, but you can still earn the reset items through epics. .
  5. Chxo, no you cant. They scrapped it altogether
  6. Blut then get off forums and go buy an hlbc account with all the items if you so wish. No reason to make a thread about it. Thanks anyways for the concern. 
  7. Devs specifically said the bonuses will not be available for now. They were going to make them available as rare epic drops but their was a lot of protest against that, therefore they dropped that idea.

    I'm confident they will make those items available again by some other means. In the meantime if players have an idea about how to obtain thenm they should email the developers or use feedback.
  8. Didn't know they dropped the idea to make them rate epic battle items
  9. I knew that you can't get reset items from EB. Hoping that some day there will be a way to get them is not worth counting on.

    I also knew that those who cannot read between lines do not get what I wrote.
  10. And resets were not the fun in starting up new accounts, they were the hassle. Blame the devs for more madeup nonsense please.
  11. Chxo, did you miss my post bro?
  12. Hey Squirtle 5% of 200mill raw stats is what? Still think 5% is very little? 
  13. Nothing that allies cannot cover up. Still, whining about it will not resolve the issue.
  14. My 5% plus the allies I will also attain to "cover up the gap" seems a better deal to me. Still, he/she shouldn't stay quiet about his frustration. Granted there is already threads established for this issue. OP should have just posted there.
  15. Before T4 and highlands, resets have been a waste of time.

    Now a Hansel gets a bonus of 7870200 on spy def with those 5%. this is a lot. A pure spy with a few spydef towers gets an even bigger bonus.

    This is stil a strategy game.

    I do have a master in mathematics. I can tell a good bonus from one not worth talking about.

    Right now, starting a new account has become baneful, because existing accounts have an advantadge you cannot compensate anymore. Inacceptable for a strategy game.
  16. Nothing will be done about it, so his "frustration" should be covered. He isn't getting his 5% either way.

    Just keep on KaW'ing.
  17. Darth posted well on this thread. As stated, reset items are gone FOR NOW. They may come back in future updates
  18. The people that have the reset items will FOREVER resist any attempt to get them any other way. I'm in the same boat, I created this alt solely to get the reset bonuses but I took too long.

    My main account bought $20/week in crystals. This account I felt was my future because the main never reset.

    I will no longer be purchasing toward the game on any account until the reset items are restored or distributed in a fair manner.