Request to make fangs a permanent feature

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Acheron, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. I don't know about most of you...but this will be the first time in months I've had the chance to get any aqua, and its all thanks to the fangs.
    I have posted before that the current system of getting aqua and inferno is rather atrocious (defined as horrifyingly wicked) and should be changed...especially if the equipment is going to reset.
    In my previous post and in many others there is overwhelming support fot the change. I believe a version of the fangs and reward system would be a much better alternative to the current extremely rare random drop of aqua and inferno that has frustrated the majority of the KaW community for quite some time.

    I hope the community would support this request and if the community does so then the devs will take action rather than ignoring the community yet again.
  2. Very good idea.
  3. I totally agree with this idea!!!
  4. I would also like to add.. While I play KAW daily.. During fang event I had more fun and spent more time in game.. To the point of while working I made sure that I played.. Before if I had the time at work I would log in if not it was no big deal if I didn't
  5. I agree, before I reset in a matter of several months i'd only gotten about 6 aqua total. They could make the fangs drop less, but it could be in a month long time increment. What I mean by that is: on the first of each month fang rewards are handed out, and on the 2nd of each month all fangs are set to 0 and the contest starts over again. And maybe it doesn't have to be just rewards why not a fang shop? Like say 1000 fangs for aqua/inferno or 100 fangs for bronze bars? 10k fangs for 5 crystals. However they'd have to lower the drop rate TREMENDOUSLY to make enough money to support the app. All in all I support this.
  6. Support, good idea..... devs take note
  7. Interesting. Support
  8. Support. It's a creative idea
  9. Support. It adds a bit of color to the game, plus gives players an incentive.

    Plus, the devs would be rollin in cash.