Hi. This is a repost. Because firstly I didn't use clear title in the first post hence I think a lot of ppl miss it. Secondly there were ppl spamming my post. Hence the focus was lost. Basically, I want to show u guys that there is actually no concern about pot cost in the hunting because the pot cost will be effectively zero. Condition in which the experiments were conducted: 1. Lv2 castle 2. One lv3 coe with pinned troops( hence the attk str is very weak) 3. One arm plate and one hoof. 4. Pot used was summon undead Experiment one: Ally bonus: 20m Total plunder from history: 830m Total attk(no spy actions at all): 25hits Payout per action: 33.2m U can see that other than the ally bonus I got, there was an additional 13.2m, which effective nullifies the pot cost. Experiment 2 Ally bonus:19.2m. ( I converted and plunder dropped.) Total plunder:1620 No of actions: 51 hits Payout per action: 31.7m Hence u can see that other than my ally bonus, there was additional 12.5m, which effectively cancels out the pot cost. Conclusion: 1. There is no pot cost for hunting. Just like ambush 2. Hunting is better than ambush because in terms of attk, they r the same. But in terms of spy actions, hunting arguably pays better because it is harder EB. 3. There is no urgency to convert to spy hybrid or build up huge BFA to avoid using pots in hunting. Because we r already paying nothing for the pot used.
Haunting* Did you engage in spy actions? Did you use items? What troops were pinned? Did you fail any actions?
You do realize that with that extra gold reward you get, you used it to offset the cost of the attack pot. But in ambush, any extra is extra gold already. If you item in haunting is a different story. Cause that's where you boost your income significantly in haunting.
You need to elaborate morw on your experiment. How were they conducted? What is the combined stats lf the account used. State the reason for your post in the beginning too not just the end. And I know this was said but it's haunting! Fix your grammar too, that would mane for a more credible thread
Also- let's say .... I make 20 mil per attack and use 10 mil in pots. I make a profit of 10 mil per attack. The guy beside me with 6 Coe doesn't use pots and gets the full 20 mil per hit (rounded numbers here). @ 26 hits- I lose 260 mil per unload. How does this compare to one cos hansel vs 6 Coe hansel in completion bonus at the end? If each did a full unload of 26 attacks in a haunting, with no spy actions. Then, each did one unload attack and one unload assassination the next round, and then factored in the 260 mil lost per unload, then you would be able to properly make a conclusion. As is, I'm sleep deprived and may be missing your genius- but, maybe not. Might rethink things.
I already stated the condition. I only did "attk". Nothing else. No pots no spy action. The trick is that when one uses summon undead, his attk str increases. This increased attk str brings the person extra payout at the end out the EB. And the amount of extra payout happen to be equal to the pot cost. It is like the cost and extra payout come in pair, which cancel out each other. And for hybrid hansel, it will be different. Because income is not proportional to state. Hence using summon undead brings in deminishing rate of return. Why not u guys go do the experiment as well? It's easy and fast. The best way to know is to do it urself. But remember this is only applicable to hansel. If u r hybrid, I'm sure u will find the result different for the reason I said above. I'm just sharing my findings and offer other players a new thought they may want to consider.
At a certain point though a hansel assuming they have one attack build. Let's use mine for an example. My hansel has 38 level 4 guilds and 1 level 3 aviary. In Haunting: I make well rounding down 23mil per hit due to my ally bonus using the 12mil pot. With the aviary My attack unload is 26 hits. Doing the math, each attack unload I make 598mil(almost 600). Of that 598mil I spend 312mil restocking on the 12mil pot I just used. From that one unload I profit 286mil. In conclusion to this section, I only spend 50% of my earnings from that unload on restocking in pots. Lets not forget the assassination though. I will be honest, I do not know how much assassination affects your income, however I do know it does. Anyway, for my hansel last i checked An assassination unload was 36 hits. Items phase does increase your income for the end bonus, but it does vary. In conclusion for my hansel doing haunting, from one full unload, my end bonus will be in the early 900mil(without hitting the item phase). This is not perfect, nor will I say it is accurate as I to am a bit sleep deprived. Here is my contribution to your thread though. I do not have any information to provide for ambush as I would prefer to do Haunting. Sorry if my work is a bit unorganized or confusing, but if you can make sense of it than great lol Good luck and I do hope you will improve your argument as to which eb is best for hansel and why.
Almost forgot, don't think I wont assume it was you who stole my gold. As I did insult you a bit with your spelling in 2 seperate threads. Lol. You are a culprit, just dont let me catch you.
So your saying that by attacking with a pot, you get a end bonus equal to the cost of the pot used? For every attack with said pot? Honestly i find it easier grazing with 5 lvl 3 t4s and currently 26 lvl 4 guilds. Making 22 mil a hit and 17 per assasination.(assas test at 25 guilds)
Bellemorte, he's talking about illegal substances while hunting. And since you satisfy certain cravings by devouring the still warm flesh of freshly killed prey, that illegal substance's cost becomes essentially zero.