What if you put the options to change it in settings, so you can have eb notifications, group join notifications and possibly CA update notifications? Then you could turn them on and off as you wish. No one could hate over it or complain because they have a choice so everyone wins and everyone is happy. This could also make the Devs/Mods job a little easier and could set up new potential ideas like important forum news could appear in your news? Or something in that direction. GogoRambo
Jas: they do check threads all the time to see if the thread is going on topic, as for this if moose or tigress sees and likes it they will simple merge,
Unless its been flagged metal then they will check it, they also do check forums time to Time to find some good ideas for the kingdoms At war community, it depends who's on at the time
I would complain because it slows down my game. Devs won't do it because it's to much work for something do useless
This is repetitive - I'll lock as soon as I have access to a computer. FYI, the devs do take note of forum ideas. That notwithstanding, it still isn't a good enough reason to spam the forums.