replace oddman out for lowest stat clan out

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PandaGeorge, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. Dear devs. Im sent a few feedback and even commented this in the no match thread. Perhaps this time this may catch your attention.

    Im suggesting you change the odd man out in ewars for a lowest stat clan out.

    Few times im looking at forum roster and the best possible example is right here at war 6

    Silver got a no match because. "Stats were too high" and ZAFT got an odd guild out. These two have matched themselves continuously during this season. As clearly both clans are right on the money statwise.

    Few days ago. Great_wall got the odd guild out. And guess what? In both scenarios we have clans with a massively low stat range. To be more specific. Im talking about clans such as Fazenda( when greatwall got Oddman), war_mercs( when zaft got Oddman) and also tvp or war on numerous occasions

    These few low low clans in many cases are riddled with be it inactives and sometimes even accounts with around 100k cs stats( YES, 100kcs).

    My simple suggestion will allow few things to happen

    1- clans would know now that the bigger they are a better chance they got of matching and not getting oddman

    2- clans that are purposely doing a statless cast to get a no match will always get oddman if uneven number of clans sign up.

    3- injustices like what happened on war 6 and others with the oddman wont happen again.

    In fact!! Sometimes those oddman clans are certain to make better matches on the top clans. Thus reducing the " all clans in your stat range are matched up already leaving poor matches"

    Kawdevs. Try it! Even if its for remainder of season, i am absolutely confident this will help all