Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xFx_GENERAL_xFx, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Hi dev I like to do my work and still tab tabbing with my other hand, but the problem is when I'm tabbing without looking I often missed hitting the repeat button could u please make the button more bigger ?
  2. Same thing happens to me 
  3. Me too.
  4. A bigger repeat button would save a lot of time as nobody every sits and clicks looking at the screen as it's very boring, and I normally miss the button also
  5. So y'all wanna be blind EB Faeries?
    Play the game or not. No effort no point in a game.
  6. I'd like my car to have auto-pilot so I can KaW. Button smashers begone.
  7. I'd rather have the repeat button for wars or even just attacking another player, like for an osw or even just farming  lol