Discussion in 'Strategy' started by --gone--, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. We need a repeat button for hitting people.
  2. Thank you Backhand*
  3. It's a farmers dream "repeat steal"
  4. It's a spy's dream to repeat steal. There are farmers who are attack builds also.

    Support to change spy mechanics.
  5. No support for changing spy mechs. That's just stupid, buy more towers, convert to spy, or stfu
  6. Support  im an attack build. I like it. Hahha
  7. Support, very useful for wars.
  8. I would support but I hate spies..

    All they do is steal and assassinate and are epic...god I hate them so much
  9. Anyone who doesnt like repeat button for steals should go play sim city
  10. I've sent this request/opinion to feedback many times myself. All i've gotten back is... "thank you for your idea." -_- lol
  11. BTW. I speak for all spy builds, Non supporters of this thread/idea will be stolen until p. 
  12. You could flash strip a player before their news even showed their Allie had sold. I'll support repeat button for PVP if Allie sales don't take 30-45 seconds to appear in your news feed.
  13. No we need a button to use an exact amount of units u want