Question : if (we shall say for arguments sake) England went to war with America.. And sailed over the ocean with all its troops, to find America had none. What would happen? 1. England would say.. "Oh Hangon, you got no troops, we wont invade then!" 2. England would go and wipe out America! I believe the answer to the above would be the second one.. I believe, that if a player has no troops, then that should not be a reason for someone not being allowed to attack them. The block should be removed, as it is definitely an unfair advantage to farmers and such.
I see your point but then if a player was being farmed by a clan he wouldn't have a chance to hit back as he is pinned
England would never make it across the Atlantic before those soldiers turned the sea red. Bad analogy
I could understand that however, if a clan is farming him, he wouldn't be able to hit back anyway.. or maybe being hit should not reduce army men, below a certain point so that they can hit back. (it would be like the final stand - so to speak). so for example a army would never drop below 10% that way they could attack back if wanted..
Superman did you miss the 'for arguments sake' bit? Wow...if you don't want to post something on topic to what the OP is actually trying to say then don't post at all. Anyways, I don't mind if they get rid of the block but I see what steel pointed out that it wouldn't be right for those being farmed by a mass of people. They won't be able to fight back, gives them an advantage if they are immune from hits for a couple regens. OP if an army could never drop below 10% is this 10% that can't be used in EB and only PvP. For now, no support. It needs greater thought to how the issues it will cause can be fixed.
Hi, What I meant with the 10%, is if someone is attacked. say I have a full bar, and i'm attacked, my bar slowly decreases per attack.. Once it hits 10% it doesn't decrease anymore, Lets for arguments sake say that the final 10% has given up.. (this means that that 10% can if wanted attack back - Someone rallied the troops) Now, this would only be if being attacked. if the player then chose to use that 10% that would be the players choice.. It would be used exactly the same. i.e. for EB;s etc.. but it would only drop below 10% at the players choice.. so basically no other player could force you below 10% of your army strength.
this is somewhat like it is now, only the block would not exist, which would mean that a player COULD retaliate to a farmer.. as of now, they cant if that farmer knows what he / she is doing
Okay, I see your point. The 10% would have to be a different colour first so players can know when it is 10% iPhones don't have a % of troops shown. So at this 10% stage you can be attacked as much as you want but it won't affect your troops but would it affect the amount of pots? This would create a bigger problem if pots are affected so will assume they aren't. Let's say person1 is attacking person2 at 10% Would person1 gain money and or need pots to hit person2 at this stage if person2 isn't using pots to defend. The reason I like it if the block is gone is I won't need multiple OSFs. I don't think this idea will happen though because it's too much effort seeing as in EE wars they will have to modify it again so that this 10% doesn't exist.
If the other country has no armed forces it would be a immediate take over with a possible chance that the people will rebel. It's not just the armed forces that you have to worry about the people can be just as dangerous.
This is not a takeover game, its a destroy their troops game (to some). They regen, you destroy some more. They have no troops so just scout their spies to 0 and they are crippled, simple as that. You don't like dealing with pure spies, don't upset them or hansels. No support.
When you attack America.... Almost every citizen has a concealed weapon, or stash of them at their home.....
This is a bad idea lol without dtw for attacks you could be stripped nd attacked til 0 gold left way faster than if you would get stolen... Last stand or whatever..this would burn out your pots nd make you lose your gold way faster..would rather call it open gates lol No support!
Anyway...mechs are already there...below 15% troop nd spy enemy can't touch you besides you can still fight back or hit ebs if you rather do that if keep below 15%! It's called fighting from pin
100% no support what you want is me being able to continue to take what ever you have left with out u being able to fight back does that sound good too you?
"When you attack america" Son if america is attacked, texas will be your biggest problem. Not the armed forces.