Remove forfeit button in EE wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheRealThumper, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Two clans sign up to war, a match is made and a war starts. Just because a clan is out smarted and out played they have the option to screw the better clan out of rewards by giving up. The cowardly forfeit button needs to be deactivated in EE wars. If a clan gives up in a 4hr war then that should be a reward for the better clan. The better clan deserves the extra mith made. Not penalize a clan for being better.
  2. This is brought up often. Just be happy you won
  3. Actually I was on the forfeit side. It's still a cowardly way to end a 4hr war.
  4. I would like to see the foreit button be available at 2:00 for 15 or 30 minutes. If its a mismatch , loser can ff and be done But if its close , and you decline ff, you fight for full 4 hours.
    Pretty simple IMO
  5. If a clan is not willing to fight for the entire war then they shouldn't war.
  6. Bad match ups happen So take the beating for two hours Try and do as much damage as possible Then ff at two hours. If not, no ff should be available after hour three
  7. Nobody wants to get pummeled for 4 hours
  8. Mismatch or not doesn't matter. Underdogs can win. Communication, strategy, and team work win wars.
  9. My favorite wars are ones that go all 4 hours. It doubles my profits, and most (big) clans have it as a requirement that they will not forfeit if they're losing.
  10. Ya I like the close wars
  11. OR give more mith to the winning clan for a forfeit, as that shows even more talent.
  12. I want the forfeit. Those extra two hours are highly valuable in real life. So give a reward for those clans that win by so much that theres a forfeit.
  13. the devs should just add that you get a small amount of mith still if the other team ff, like 125% of what you've earned up to the ff. makes it easy and people wont complain, but you can no longer ff past the 2hr 30min mark
  14. The problem with this "extra mith if forfeit" thing is that if you were to war someone, and they forfeit in the last 5 minutes, it would be like you won the war but got 25% more mith anyways... See what I'm saying? Sorry if I make no sense.
  15. thats why i said not past 2hr 30min, they have 30 min to decide.
  16. Oh sorry didn't see your post until after I posted 
  17. If it goes longer then the winning team gets more mith, and the losing team had 30 min to decide, they should have chosen quicker; no complaints.
  18. I hate this that forfeit . My clans first war .. They had the lead by 10b .. We caught up and they forfeited at a minute and a half left in ee cuz we out smarted them! If u look at the war .. They had a few lb people .. And my clan is only a branch if the real clan! So all the small people are here!
  19. Here's my opinion, instead of asking the devs to rewrite their war algorithms. The simple questions are.
    1. Are you ready to war for the 4hrs? If so you cast a spell that shows your ready and willing to war.
    2. Does your clan have enough people ready to war. If so admins sign up for the 4hr war.

    Looks like in order to even start the EE war everyone involved in the war agreed to dedicate 4hrs to the war. There's no need for a forfeit. If there's a mismatch oh well that's war. Before you cast that spell you already know there's a chance this will happen. If 4hrs straight of game play takes away from precious rl time. Simple don't cast the spell.
  20. Remove ff button from everything