There is a lot of pressure on the ally market making it near impossible for new players to find and keep allies. It's much worse now than when I started playing. By allowing new players to obtain max plunder without allies initially it would make their initial growth faster. Currently if no allies are available in the low end range, max plunder is impossible to obtain.
was it the first time you created an account? do these accounts have a main that will ensure a good start for them? or, are really talking about people that are brand new to kaw and have no idea on what is and isnt important for getting a good start in kaw? current players alts are not the concern, as it is clearly obvious from the op.
This is an all to familiar story for players from future combat. This is the beginning of the end. This is why ata are encouraging so much real dollar spending. They know their game is not what it once was. They know it's time is almost up and are doing a money grab.
Just stop volleying new players! **** I'm seriously pissed that people won't stop causing the problem they complain about!
I beg to differ. For one, the old days had plenty of faults too. For two, this game, for all the money grabbing, complaining, and such, still has a decent amount of life in it. Though this ally market shortage for new players is a very big problem, and does need a solution. My favorite suggestion has been the adding of max plunder onto the newbie grey spell.
a new players initial volley is almost just as important though. after 5 years of exsistance the people who search for games like this one have already found it. they either stayed or left. kaw isnt that new game that hundreds of people download every week.
right, but even new accounts hiring other new accounts would probably still leave them with with a thin market. i just think the new player spell should come with max plunder. a couple good active days earning gold is all players need to get past the initial ally hump.
Not difficult at all for new players. Teach them. Run item ebs, tfo is a good one. They will have allies in no time. I helped a handful of new players not even a month ago. 0 problems
The cheapest ally in kaw right meow is 481m... According to my ally page, I can't find anyone cheaper... I can see what all the fuss is about
cheap allies have always been useless. Even 2 yrs ago when they were abundant you couldn't hang on to them for more than a few minutes. Any allie under 1 bill has pretty much always been useless
Interesting theory. I agree it's not what it was. And there's a lot more money involved then ever was. People almost have to buy nobs when it used to be a badge of shame and dishonor. We used to tease the Nobbits. I can't disagree with any points made there. Hate to see when it becomes more about the product and income than the integrity of the game and the players. Cheers to those from the old school
What's kind of sad is that the game has become an experiment in social engineering. One of many that suck people into spending money. A good example was the PVP. Great idea with the swords then they throw up a spell that cost nobs to protect your plunder gain sword HTE to boost plunder costing nobs end up selling crystals. A true double dip technique. Now you can pay nobs to unlock chest to boost plunder stack w bloodrain and more HTE nobs selling more crystals. The 1hr timer on bloodrains virtually insures crystal burns. The lb is practically sealed by the rich and/or the entrenched players.