Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IlSIlPlI-Ravan_Caw-IlSIlPlI, Oct 28, 2015.


    Remembrance Sunday is held to the closest Sunday to the 11th of the 11th of November in which the UK and many parts off the world remember the fallen men and women who gave their lives for our freedom.

    This year's Remembrance Sunday will be held on the 8th of November.

    I would like to propose that we should have a 2 minute silence on remember Sunday. So we can remember all the service men and women who have help to give us the freedom that we have today.

    11am on the 8th November we in the UK will remember them.
  2. I'm cool with that
  3. Nevermind what this said before.

  4. What about the German players who's ancestors ours killed?
    No support. Fine in a British only situation, not fine in an international situation.
    I'm British myself and I'll be doing this, just not suitable to ask foreign people to do it when we've slaughtered them in the past.
  5. ?!?!

  6. Eggsy...the op asked for a moment for alllll fallen and those who served. They did not specify a culture or country specific moment. Why would you not support this?? Full support to op
  7. Support. Will the time be UK time or local time?
  8. Support from the US of A
  9. Would love to Support this but I just can't see it happening.

    Many of my family fought in the wars, 2 in both.

    We will remember them.
  10. Support, a great idea for the community
  11. I havent slaughtered anyone.
  12. I believe devs had a 30-minute silence for 9/11 10th anniversary. It's possible

  13. Kind of loses its meaning if it's forced by devs turning off chat..
  14. I'm Northern Irish/Indian. I wear my poppy with pride. Remembrance is about all casualties of war. Support.
  15. Eggsy and for most of the first world war the Germans slaughtered British/commonwealth soldiers; Germany had the literal highground in France and fought defensively. Many men died as a result of charging wildly into machine gun fire.
    That's not to say I won't remember the German casualties. We are all human at the end of the day.
  16. My name on OSRS during this years 9/11 was "Dank 9/11". It was pretty dank
  17. Sorry eggsy but that's the past and at all times were still all human, we should all respect those who have fallen for their country, support to OP
  18. In Canada its 11am on Nov 11th

    11 11 11