Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Mr_Bluejay, Aug 21, 2010.

  1. The story relentless love is cancelled due to a lack of interest and feedback feel free to try and persuade me not to but I think this might b it
  2. Soffy u r a fail troll deal with it and resign your self to the amature group
  3. Just stop. Don't want you to hurt yourself.
  4. No one is attempting to persuade him...

    I guess you're right! No one does care!

  5. Do not give it up hu cares wat these ppl think it's ur story
  6. Lol soffy didn't completly fail tht time
  7. aw...
  8. NOOOO!! Why'd you give up?! A lot of people like your story! Just because a FEW people trolled you doesn't mean you quit! Gandalf, your story was one of my favorites, you can't quit!!! Don't think of your haters, think of your fans!
  9. Why quit man?!?
  10. O come on! Just cause a few snot faces insulted u, doesn't mean u quit! I know how it feels when u think that not a lot of people like ur story. Trust me, I know. But for all those cool people who like ur story, it's horrible! Just cause people r trolling u it's means they ruin it for everyone! And if they succeed now, they will keep trolling other people! I don't care what happens, I just NEED u to write ur story!
  11. Ok I'll continue
  12. HOORAY!!!!!!!
  13. But I will repost the thread the one we have now is fuked
  14. It is terrible. Don't attempt to try again.
  15. Lol don't worry about what people post to you on the Internet, they are just idiots looking for attention, trying to look big. Infact they look pathetic. Carry on gandalf don't worry about others.
  16. Because they have no life and only go outside once every two weeks (twice on a special occasion) they feel the need to bully others over the Internet to make themselves feel slightly less pathetic.
  17. Dude don't quiet I have an idea have people post anti troll protection
    • Whoa   
    • Mike that was mean