Rejection - Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *NecroHyphen (01), Jul 13, 2011.

  1. Feedback for the short story 
  2. It's a cool story, but I don't get it. Are there going to be more chapters, or is that it?!?!?!

    Good writing though. Just some grammatical/spelling errors to check.

    But great!
  3. Cheers  You'll understand soon enough
  4. Very nice but you might want to work on a few things. Punctuation one of them.
  5. This was a quick thought in my head btw so I wasn't proof reading the chapters :)
  6. This is based off a real person I know, who has this in their life! He doesn't deserve it at all cos he's awesome and not a complete dickhead like everyone else!