Regarding t4 plunder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Guy89757, May 14, 2012.

  1. I realise t4 plunder isnt static, as in it doesnt increase a fix amount every t4 u make, it makes sudden jumps based on amount of t4 /lands u have. Anyone realize this? Or this has been mentioned before?
  2. it really is messed up and complicated. especially the stronghold of shadows. don't worry about it. the more bigger buildings you have, the more you will make....usually.
  3. Sorry for the confusion, i forgot to mention this is regarding the t4 attack buildings since sos is kinda complicated so imma leave it out. The reason i mention this cause i made a sudden jump in ally plunder after i build a certain coe it wasnt the normal jump as previous coes.
  4. yeah. like i said...its weird. it involves (so i am told) multiple variables. i have seen people report their plunder actually dropping at certain thresholds. the devs are mysterious like that.
  5. Why do the devs have to. make it so damn complicated?
  6. Dropping by building T4s? Probably because they don't have MP.
  7. it isn't that, ror. it is just the way it is set up. size, land, buildings, opponents size, the alignment of the moons, pots, the dow jones industrial average, and a variety of other obscure factors (supposedly) go into it.

    it is (or at least was. i doubt the fixed it) possible for plunder to go down by building a t4.
  8. Ummm, here's how it is.

    Plunder I'd affected by-

    1-Potions other person used
    2-Your strength in relation to their strength
    3-The potions you used
    4-Your troops level (33%, 67%, etc.)
    5-Your plunder from buildings
    6-Your plunder from allies

    If you build a single T4, #2 goes down, so plunder goes down more than #6 can go up, so you suffer a slightly negative decrease in plunder.

    However, eventually, #5 gets to be greater than #6, and your plunder goes up again.

    That might not be how plunder works, but after reading a thread about t4 plunder 25 pages long, I think I got the gist of it.

    So that's my take on how t4 works.

  9. this is what i experience target = same eb
    #1: add 1 lv3 coe , ally plunder + 400k
    #2: add 1 lv3 coe, ally plunder + 400k
    #3:. .. . . . Continue same increment
    Until . . . A certain lv 3 coe added , ally plunder increase by 2m for that one coe

    that is why i believe a certain number of t4 u have will give u a boost in ur plunder, if we can find that number, we could maximise plunder in different builds.

    Remember, my target was always same, nothing has change except me adding one lv 3 coe each time.
  10. The game mech's are crazy atm
  11. Plunder is a formula based on two things:
    1. A base plunder value each of your buildings combined give, and
    2. Your strength relative to the target you are hitting.

    So that is why some people experienced plunder drops; their relative strength rose much more than the plunder bonus, therefore offsetting the bonus. The plunder-to-strength ratio is much less in T4s than many other buildings, maybe even all 'cept towers.