Regarding Silences.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Unruly, Apr 12, 2015.

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  1. Think Mods. Please think about what the outcome of your actions, silencing players, will be before you make them. Some of you just silence away without any regard at all for who you are silencing. Some people actually have fun playing this game and have put a lot of time and effort into it, so when you silence them you are ruining everything that they have built in the game. This game can not be played, much less enjoyed while permanently silenced. Just please think about what you are doing and how your actions are hurting others before you silence a fellow player for saying something that was not even worthy of a silence.

    Side note- Go ahead, troll, call me a butt hurt stat less noob, post ur troll pictures, say no1curr, didn't read LOL, /Eagled, whatever other dumb thing u can think of, or say everything that I just mentioned. I really could not care less about the comments here and I won't even go back to this thread after I post it. I'm just trying to get through to some of the mods that are ruining KAW for hundreds of players by unjustly silencing them. If a comment made by a player is borderline silence able maybe a warning would be nice instead of indefinitely silencing them?

    Second side note - If anybody was wondering, the thing I got permanently silenced for was saying "Update-boobs". Two words, that's all it takes to have your KAW experience ripped away from you.
  2. Lol butt hurt noob

  3. Don't impersonate updates. It is silenceable btw
  4. So we aren't allowed to say the word update anymore? Seems legit
  5. 1. Not checking the thread. And saying you won't check the thread. Mods are gonna lock BECAUSE OF THAT.

    2. Mods don't choose how long the silence is. 3rd time = perm AUTOMATICALLY.

    So; you must have been silenced 2 other times. If you disagree, you can protest in the devs email.

  6. If you're saying you're an update of any form, no. You're not. It's misleading.
  7. The way you used it is wrong.

    Update - boobs - wrong

    Is there an update today? - good
  8. That's why I said silenced indefinitely 
  9. Sounds to me like you should be the one to think. Think before you post whatever offensive, discriminatory, or filtered things you decide to post in a public channel. Don't blame the mods because you can no longer chat, blame yourself. Perm? That means you didn't learn the first two times. Also, it doesn't matter who the player is, they all get treated equally.
  10. But YOU are perm silenced.
  11. Also, complaining about a silence will get this an auto lock. Don't get mad about that.
  12. No op. I saw you get silenced. You said something 3 times with the main theme as **update**

    A strict mod will consider spam. Others won't really care. As for perm silence. I'm on my 6th in 6 months. Appeal at
    Really quite easy to get outa.
  14. you did not see me silenced because i did not post anything close to that. I posted Update-boobs that is it.
  15. Close to 4 years played and not a single silence

    If you get silenced, there's a 99% chance you asked for it. The end

    Eagle how are you buddy?
  16. Op, regarding or complaining about a in-game silence will actually get you forum banned for 24 hours, and this thread locked, so I am feeling nice today so I won't forum ban you, I will be locking this thread and will be giving you a warning.

    Also a tip like inferno mention, do not impersonate the update bot.

    Etc: **UPDATE** (insert content) <-- is actually an silence offence.

    You have agreed upon creating the account to follow up on the ToU, most players do not follow up on the ToU so we advice them with a warning.

    Also, I have seen another moderator on world chat warning a player about doing the same thing, you have posted right after the warning then there for the silence taken place.

    If you believe the silence was incorrect or unfair, please email into ATA at, Please state username, reason for silence and time of silence, you can find in the pm by kaw.

    If you do not want to be silenced, follow up on the ToU and play fairly, or do not speak at all which would be a better idea that most use.
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