Regarding Leaderboard Position Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. With our recent Tier 6 Level 4 & 5 Building Changes some players experienced a change in leaderboard and clan ranking positions and we wanted to explain this as best as possible.

    With the launch of Tier 6 Levels 4 and 5, some of you saw a decrease in plunder when upgrading. We corrected this with our recent plunder changes to the T6L4 and T6L5 buildings so that the amount of plunder earned from EB's increases as you develop your build. As the Overall Leaderboard (and Clan Rankings) are based in part on actual strength and plunder is directly associated with strength, upgrading buildings will make you stronger, result in more plunder earned, and increase your relative position on the leaderboard.

    Because these changes were made a few weeks after the T6L4 and T6L5 release, many players had already upgraded to varying degrees, which resulted in a sudden position shift. We apologize for the confusion this caused, but can assure you that the current leaderboard represents player progression more fairly than before.

    In addition to the Overall Leaderboard (and Clan Rankings) being based on actual strength, they also factor in the strength of your allies as well as your successful actions. Please keep in mind that in addition to upgrading buildings, you will need to consider the strength of your allies as well as the number of successful actions you have made relative to the players around you.

    For those of you who are looking for ways to increase your leaderboard rank, your best options are to continue taking part in wars, attacking others, upgrading building levels/tiers, and managing your allies.
  2. Who cares
  3. Attacking other players?

    Say what? Since when do devs promote OSW. Must be talkin about EE.
  4. So only pvp actions help?
  5. Lol val

    Pvp is dead 

    We must farm red aperion!!!!
  6. I appreciate the explanation Community.
    Thank you
  7. So you're telling me I can get #1 by attacking actually participating in PVP? Bull
  8. I call bull crap on this explanation. I am bigger than the person above me in clan. You say battle success is added in also? I have over 150k more wins than them too. Just come on already and tell us you made allies worth more than they use to be. Those people didn't upgrade over night. You say it was plunder change that did it? I'm build complete so why did I drop? Should I not have got the benefit from that too?
  9. @ devs

    Why would successful actions be factored in at all? How does scouting the crap out of an active make me more powerful? Successful actions Aldo means new players starting today have no chance of climbing the lb. Get rid of this.
  10. And of course spend more dollar
  11. Devs, do you think there will ever come a day when there will be a leaderboard relevant to newer players? E.g. one for most hits, fastest growth, most ee plunder in the last month? Maybe a leaderboard based on the month you joined? Something so we can benchmark to our peers perhaps?
  12. ..most battle list that could stir things up a bit.
  13. Who here wants to see a YouTube clip of kaw_community sitting down with a bunch of KaW tech geeks explaining him/her how this lb issue was caused in game mechanics and him/her having the face of "OMG.. Why am I with a bunch of geeks listening to a techno babble when I can be sipping mojitos in West Van"?
  14. Who actually cares about clan ranking, thanks for the heads up though!
  15. Awe jeeze, c'mon kaw community. Who really cares about a bunch of self indulgent prima donnas like cella, silph & redstar, never mind about donno the whatever on the lb. It's a game. Get a real life guys and stop spending money on nobs. Beer is much more enjoyable.
  16. Do spy actions help your lb position? Cause I haven't used spies in nearly a year. Have 40k more attacks than assassins.
  17. Best of

    Face palm
  18. twosox is right. Noticed way higher weight given to bfa than building stats.

    Yay!!! Kaw just encouraged all of us to stay small and high bfa for even more complaints in war match up.

    Power sh FTW!!!
  19. Are you using this 'more accurate' calculation to form a kingdoms strength in determining each individual kingdom's contribution to determining the matching in EE war algorithm? If so, I see older accounts that may be smaller (ie SH accounts with many battle actions from dropping build) skewing the matching formula even further than it currently is, by inflating a kingdom's strength falsly. Just using that as one example as to the inquiry of how this new dispersement of kingdom strength may effect this one aspect of the game.

    Secondly, some kingdoms may have been built a certain way based on the old calculations and are now HFBC and are experiencing drastic shifts in overall rankings. I find it unfair to these kingdoms whom have built a certain way for their goals of overall ranking and how have to consider losing gold to rebuild a different way in order to reobtain their former footing before the new formula was dropped with no warning. Idk, just seems kind if disheartening to some whom saw dramatic drops because of this.